C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S, Sameer!

I always love when I have the opportunity to celebrate a fellow Hoosier! Indiana boy wins national spelling bee:

After watching his sister try three times to win the Scripps Nationals Spelling Bee, Sameer Mishra put himself on a mission. "I told my mom I was going to do the bee," Sameer said. "And if I was going to do it, I was going to win it one day. And I guess it happened."

Did it ever. With the sister coaching him, Sameer augmented his spelling talent with a sense of humor that often kept the Grand Hyatt Ballroom audience laughing. The 13-year-old from West Lafayette, Ind., was finally all business when he aced "guerdon" — a word that appropriately means "something that one has earned or gained" — to win the 81st version of the bee Friday night.

"I'm not used to people laughing at my jokes — except for my sister," Sameer said.

...Sameer was a crowd favorite throughout the tournament. When told one of his words in the semifinals was a dessert, he deadpanned: "That sounds good right now." He rolled his eyes and muttered "wonderful" when told that one of his words had five different language roots. He once asked "Are you sure there are no alternate pronunciations?" and later uttered "That's a relief" after initially mishearing the word "numnah" (a type of sheepskin pad).

And what did he have to say while hoisting the heavy trophy? "I'm really, really weak."

Sameer, who won more than $40,000 in cash and prizes, likes playing the violin and the video game "Guitar Hero" and hopes one day to be a neurosurgeon. He tried to watch the movie "Ratatouille" during the long wait before the finals but found he "couldn't really relax that much." His sister, Shruti, cried after her brother's victory on a day in which she received her own big news: She was accepted to Princeton.

"A big day for the family," said Sameer's father, Krishna Mishra, who moved to the United States from central India and teaches microbiology.
Awesome. Way to go, Mishra clan!

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The Virtual Pub Is Open

I don't know about you, Shakers,
but I needs me a fooking DRINK.

Thank fook it's Friday.

Belly up to the bar
and name your poison!

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No and More No

Normally, I'd be excited as hell to see an article in the Boston Globe headlined "Healing the wounds of Democrats' sexism." But I don't guess I need to explain why Geraldine Ferraro is so not the person to write that article.

And there is potentially a legitimate point to be made that the Obama campaign was actually casting Hillary Clinton as a racist before any of the incidents of racism attributed to her during this primary. But I don't guess I need to explain why Geraldine Ferraro is so not the person to make it.

No and more no. That is all.

P.S. Who the fuck uses "reverse racism" anymore? I was under the impression that most thinking people acknowledged quite some time ago that racism is racism, irrespective of whence it emanates, and that "reverse racism" was typically a phrase employed by the sort of ignorant doofuses who don't get why it's okay to say George Bush looks like a chimp but not okay to say the same of Barack Obama. Did I miss a memo?

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Oooh, interesting.

Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL), a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, wants the McClellaton 3000 to testify before Congress:

Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Florida, said McClellan, who served as the president's press secretary before leaving the White House in 2006, would be able to provide valuable insight into a number of issues that the House Judiciary Committee is investigating.


"The administration has always called for different kinds of privileges to avoid their officials testifying, but because Mr. McClellan has put all this information in a book, these privileges, I do not believe, would be available to the administration, so we would have a free flow of information," Wexler said.
Oooh, game on! And what are they investigating? The firing of the eight attorneys, the (mis)use of intelligence for the war, and the leaking of Valerie Plame's identity.

The White House came out huffing and hissing:
Bush spokeswoman Dana Perino, however, said Friday that the White House says it could invoke executive privilege and prevent McClellan from testifying before the committee, but it has not decided whether to do so.

"The law would allow for that," Perino said, "but by saying that I am not suggesting that's what would happen or not.

"We don't have a formal request yet," she said. "It's not a decision we would make prior to getting a formal request."
Oh please, when have you waited for any formal anything? Anyway, Wexler farts in their general direction:
But Wexler said that any White House claims of executive privilege would be invalid because McClellan had put much of the information in the public domain with book and multiple television appearances.


Wexler said McClellan should testify because the public has a right to know what went on behind closed doors.

"The American people deserve to know under oath what is true and what isn't [and] what this administration engaged in in terms of a conspiracy to obstruct justice."
Oooh, snap! I hope it works, Wexler. I really do.

The McClellaton 3000 said he is willing to testify.

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Friday Blogaround

Time for some sexy link lovin'!

Recommended Reading:

Echidne: "A" Is For Ambition

Elle: "the penalty for being poor and a child and hungry in africa is to be raped"

Kathy G: Michelle Obama and the Silence of the Feminists

Dave: Obama calls out Dobbs and Limbaugh

Melissa: Where are the Women of Color in Film?

Andy: Macy's Celebrates Same-Sex Marriage, Wants your Registry

Leave your links in comments.

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Quote of the Day

"When guys are persistent, it's romantic, they make movies about that. If it's a woman, then they cast Glenn Close." - Ally McBeal

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Misogyny/Rape/Murder Are Hee-larious!

[Trigger warning.]

Shaker Jeremy forwarded me the below video, currently ranked in the top 10 at Vimeo, and I really debated posting about it, because I wasn't sure I wanted to give it more attention. But, in the end, that concern was outweighed by the consideration that if I didn't post about it, there might be no direct counter-balance to it. So, teaspoons.

In the video, a group of male co-workers bored at work begin to chant Boys v. Girls as a challenge. Thing is, there's only one female in the group, so it's essentially all the boys ganging up on one girl to torment her...brutalize her...violate her...and eventually kill her. Then they're seen dragging her body into a storage area for the dead bodies of all the other female co-workers with whom they've evidently played this fun game.

If it were ironic, it would be a pretty devastating commentary on misogyny, the rape culture, male privilege, and female tokenism. But it's not ironic—or, if it is, that objective has been lost on most viewers, as the 126 comments and counting reveal; it's just "hilarious." Which shows, at best, why this sort of "comedy" is a dangerous game to play.

I don't even know what I can say anymore, that I haven't said at least 21 times or so already.

[Rape is Hilarious: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One.]

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When States Attack

by Shaker Sarah in Chicago

In all the joyous celebration happening in California regarding the brief appearance of reality, a certain degree of privilege was being evidenced to me.

Don't get me wrong ... when the news popped up on my phone as friend and I were shopping our way for summer clothes down State Street here in Chicago, and we both whooped and high-fived, grinning broadly and laughing. There's not much on earth that feels as wonderful as having your basic rights be granted to you. Kinda sad to have to write that, but it's still true.

The images that we've seen come out of California since have been incredible ... just the basic and overwhelming joy and beauty of people so used to being denigrated and dehumanised, being told that they are recognised in their own country as worthy of what everyone-else takes for granted.

And therein lies the privilege. Because despite our celebrations that embarrassed us in that store on State Street, there is one fundamental difference between my friend and I; she's an American citizen. I'm not.

But back to California.

Not long after the decision came down to rapturous acclaim, Ellen Degeneris announced that she was marrying her long-time girlfriend, Portia de Rossi (otherwise known as Hotty McHot). Ellen teared and choked up making the announcement, and her girlfriend was moved to, with I think tears down her cheeks. It was an amazing and perfect cap to such a wonderful decision.

And then Republican presidential candidate John McCain came onto her show some days later, and Ellen (to my surprise given her history of avoiding LGBT politics in general, but to her credit) brought up the CA decision, and her own pending marriage to Portia (McHot). McCain, being the mealy-mouthed piece of shit he is, managed to basically say that he thought Ellen and Portia were less than he was, AND that he expected to be respected for his bigotry. All with a smile on his face.

'Straight Talk' indeed.

McCain has always said that he opposes same-sex marriage, but that he also opposes the federal anti-gay "marriage" amendment (which, of course, has nothing to do with marriage, and everything to do with ensuring that us uppity queers don't think we deserve to not be stoned to death or anything crazy like that), in saying we should "leave it up to the states" (which, ironically enough, is what California is doing, but we all know the aversion wingnuts have to things like logic and consistency). This, admittedly, is a better position than that of the current occupier of the big swivelly chair in the Oval Office ... but that's like saying fresh shit is better than week-old shit because it hasn't decomposed quite as much.

The thing is, the "leave it up to the states" thing is also effectively the position of both Obama and Clinton as well. Sure, they support civil unions and/or partnership recognition of some sort for us pinkos, but they've shied away from federal recognition like it's a bloody third rail. Which, I suppose it is, politically at least.

I've noticed that when a lot of straight people talk about same-sex marriage in places like California and Massachusetts, or Civil Unions in New Jersey and Vermont, they just assume that such things are exactly the same as their own unions in such states. But the thing is, they're not. One can have all the equality that is humanly possible within a state when it comes to marriage, one can hold a big huge state-equality party, we can throw state-equality around like it's bloody confetti, but it doesn't matter one iota when it comes to federal recognition. Thanks to the federal DOMA (Defence Of Marriage Act) a state can stamp its feet all it wants, but Washington is a closed door to us queers, and it reads "Breeders Only" (and you can be damn skippy it's not a nice colour-coordinated door either).

And a lot of people have said "Okay, well, we'll get a critical mass of states together, and then, eventually, we'll get it on the national stage." And this seems like a perfectly rational and reasonable long-term strategy. Doesn't it? Slow and steady, after all. Don't want to piss off the straights; they get all pissy and nervous when you aggravate them, and while our riots may be fabulous (I mean, drag queens throwing stilettos? Hello?) straights seem to have downright NASTY riots.

But there's one problem with this strategy (well, there's more than one, but I'll focus on one at the moment ... hey, I have a syllabus and a dissertation proposal to write here!) and that gets back to my friend and I dancing around an Urban Outfitters (hey, SHE wanted to be in there, NOT me!). While she marrying her girlfriend (and they are VERY cute together I have to say, and I should know, I used to date my friend ... yeah, yeah, I know, I'm sooooo a lesbian) would actually mean something substantial to them, if I were to find some American woman insane enough to not only date me but want to marry me, said substance would very quickly drain down the hole that is immigration recognition.

No matter how much I may love said hypothetical insane woman, and she hypothetically me, for all extents and purposes, our wonderfully equal state marriage would be so much packing-paper in me not being able to stay in the country to be with her. The fundamental privilege of the "leave it to the states" approach is that it is one that only citizens can access; it leaves non-citizens out in the cold.

Not that straight federal partnership recognition is a box of cookies. Ask 'Liss and Mr Shakes about the hoops of varying colour, size, shape, etc that they've had to jump through. There's even a section on the form to specify the detailed type of arse-kissing you're particularly proficient in.

But that's still a country mile ahead of where us queers are (do country people travel slower or something? Are there bumpkin-measures? Never got that particular idiom).

I personally don't know if once I've finished my seemingly endless doctoral studies that I'll stay in the US or not, and given that I now actually can reasonably see the end, it is something I am thinking about. But there's one thing I am definitely certain of; if I do, it won't be because of the woman I may have hypothetically fallen in love with. Because to the US federal government, that love might as well not exist; WE don't exist. She's just her, and I'm just me, the alien; there is no we.

So, as wonderful, incredible and groundbreaking as the California decision was, and is, it's always going to also be a tad bittersweet. There exists, at the federal level, legislation called the 'Uniting American Families Act', which is in both houses of Congress, which would provide immigration rights to same-sex couples regardless of federal recognition of marriage. But none of the three presidential candidates have co-sponsored the bill in their senatorial capacities, and it's been largely ignored by both the (straight) immigrant-rights and gay rights communities.

Bi-national same-sex couples may celebrate alongside everyone else at the California recognition of our inherent humanity, but it's a hollow celebration, as it does nothing for us in reality.

I know we talk a lot about privilege recognition on this blog, and a lot of you here may react "oh dammit, not ANOTHER privilege?!" but the thing is, citizenship IS a privilege, as any immigrant will tell you, gay or straight. The thing is, being a gay foreigner in this country you realise that even in this, you're still on the border, knocking on the fence.

They just don't need to patrol this one.

[Here's some more info on partnership immigration.]


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Killing Time

The other day Liss and I were talking and she said "Doesn't it seem like we don't even have a government right now? When was the last time there was a major piece of legislation worth discussing?"

I replied, "It's totally like working someplace that is going out of business, and it's like the last couple weeks and everyone's sort of sitting around wondering, hey, should we maybe sweep up or something, but then they think, fuck it, why bother."

Liss added, "It's like we're all just waiting for January Twentieth of next year so the country can start again. Political purgatory."

234 days until something happens.

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Minute Sixteen

So, I wrote yesterday about trans-bashing airhead Christian Siriano, and I was surprised to discover that he's already issued an "apology." I can only assume someone close to him managed to penetrate the cloud of Aquanet to get it through his thick skull that you don't fuck with trans people and drag queens. They were the soldiers in your revolution; show some respect.

"I wish that my words were not taken in that way," Siriano told GLAAD today. "When I was speaking, some comments that I made were not used in the article. I completely support the fabulousness and amazing fashion inspiration that most transgender people provide."

Yes, I'm sure whatever words you used that weren't used in the article totally made up for your sexist, classist, racist, transphobic attempt at being clever. But I see your brief turn in the spotlight has taught you that old "I was taken out of context" trick.

You gotta love that "most," too. Why, could you possible mean "most" transgender people, except for the "trannie messes?"

But it gets even more special; you're going to love the familiar friend he brings along to the party.

"I know plenty of trans people," he says. "Some of my best friends had the struggle finding themselves. As did I considering that I am a very flamboyant gay man. I mean no disrespect to the transgender population and I never will. Some of my close friends happen to be transgender and I think they are some of the most inspiring people in my life."

He said it.

"Some of my best friends are."

Look, you offensive, spoiled little twit: Yes, it is difficult living life as a flamboyant gay man. But trans people have it infinitely more difficult than you do as a "flamboyant gay man" living in New York City, possessing tons of privilege, money and media attention. They hold courage you cannot begin to comprehend. And how dare you use that bigoted "some of my best friends are" canard to casually dismiss your constant mockery? Do you have the slightest fucking clue how often that very statement has been used to excuse homophobia and violence against LTBTQ persons? Christ.
On Project Runway, the designer practically invoked the word "trannie" at every turn, an offensive slur he is now actively working to remove from his vocabulary as he becomes more involved working with and representing the LGBT community.
Wow. That sounds like a sentence that should be written about a privileged heterosexual person that had never come in contact with an LGBTQ person in their lives, not an openly gay man. He truly is clueless. And he doesn't represent me.

And you all laughed at me for loving Ricky. Snort. Harrumph.

(Update: I realized I forgot to rant about his "I completely support the fabulousness and amazing fashion inspiration that most transgender people provide." statement. Trans people don't exist to provide fashion inspiration for you. Not everything is about fashion. Trans people aren't dressing as their desired gender just to look good, you jackass; they're trying to live their everyday lives. And what, you support them when they look good, but not other times? Shut up while you're not ahead.)

(Much love and an Energy Dome tip to Damon at CineQueer. Siriano could learn a lot from GLAAD. He probably thinks it's a cling wrap company.)

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Boston TV Host Fired for Criticizing Bill O'Reilly

Welcome to America 2.o, Barry Nolan:

CN8 host Barry Nolan, who publicly complained a few weeks ago about Bill O'Reilly receiving an award from the Boston chapter of National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, has been fired by the Comcast network. ... The host of "Backstage With Barry Nolan" had argued that O'Reilly, the volatile Fox News host and former Channel 7 anchor, was unworthy of the Governor's Award. (Past recipients include the likes of Mike Wallace, Ken Burns, and Natalie Jacobson.) "The idea of honoring someone who does their job with constant factual errors, name-calling, and mangling of the truth ... It's ridiculous," said Nolan, [who] was warned by his bosses at CN8 to pipe down, but at the May 10 dinner honoring O'Reilly he handed out a six-page document listing some of O'Reilly's wackier errors, utterances, and information about the talk-show host's sexual harassment settlement. ... He was immediately suspended without pay for two weeks and then fired over the phone Tuesday.
Love that Nolan handed out pamphlets detailing O'Reilly's idiocy; can't believe he got shitcanned for it; really can't believe they did it over the damn phone.

Nolan blogged about the experience at Think Progress:
O'Reilly was an appalling choice, not because of his political views, but because he simply gets the facts wrong, abuses his guests and the powerless in general, is delusional, and, well, you might want to Google: Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Plus there was that whole sexual harassment thing – the lawsuit he settled for an estimated $10 million. Not the kind of guy you normally think of when it comes time to pass out honors.

I found that most of my colleagues felt the same way. So, on May 10th at the Emmy Awards dinner, I quietly passed out a document that contained – not my opinion – but O'Reilly's own words and quotes from his sexual harassment lawsuit. And that is what got me fired. I got fired from my job on a news and information network for reporting demonstrably true things in a room full of news people.
I don't have anything particularly brilliant to add to that, although perhaps CN8 would benefit from hearing from some polite, teaspoon-wielding folks who don't appreciate their decision to fire someone for reporting facts. Email or call toll free: 1-877-862-9374.

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Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime

Solid Gold: 1984

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Hillary Sexism Watch, #104

This is just getting fucking ridiculous: Chicago Priest, Father Michael Pfleger, guest ministering at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, gives a sermon on white privilege and entitlement (cool) and uses the occasion to tear into Hillary Clinton with wanton misogyny and accusations of racism (not cool):

Transcript from 1:58: I don't really want to make this political, 'cause you know I'm very unpolitical [laughter], but when Hillary was crying, and people said that was put on, I really don't believe it was put on. I really believe that she just always thought: "This is mine." [applause] "I'm Bill's wife; I'm white; and this is mine! I just gotta get up and step into [sic] the plate." And then outta nowhere came: "Hey, I'm Barack Obama." And she said, "Aww, damn! Where did you come from?! I'm white! I'm entitled! There's a black man stealing my show!" [cheers and applause] Waaaaaaaah! [pretends to weep and cry; wipes face with hankie] Waaaaaaaah! She wasn't the only one crying; there was a whole lotta white people crying!"

Pfleger's apology was about as mature as his original offense: "These words are inconsistent with Senator Obama's life and message and I am deeply sorry if they offended Senator Clinton or anyone else who saw them." If. The ultimate non-apology apology. And of course no acknowledgement that what he said is just intrinsically fucking wrong, aside from whether they're "inconsistent with Senator Obama's life and message."

Meanwhile, given yet another opportunity to specifically denounce the misogyny being wielded against Clinton, Obama chose yet again to wholly ignore it: "As I have traveled this country, I've been impressed not by what divides us, but by all that that unites us. That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger's divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn't reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause."

He didn't even mention Clinton by name.

And, no, I don't think that Obama ought to be held responsible for what gets said at his church, no less by some visiting minister. What I do think is that, given that he was nonetheless asked about it, he could have taken time to say a couple freaking words at long last about the misogyny that has been used repeatedly and unabashedly against his opponent, even if it's just something as simple as, "As a husband to a woman, a father to two daughters, and a person who believes in the fundamental equality of women, I abhor that kind of rhetoric being used to demean any woman." Dammit, I just really don't understand why that's so fucking hard.

I am so sick of this shit.

[Hat tips to Shaker DD and my local news. Video via Talk Left.]

[Hillary Sexism Watch: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, Thirty-Five, Thirty-Six, Thirty-Seven, Thirty-Eight, Thirty-Nine, Forty, Forty-One, Forty-Two, Forty-Three, Forty-Four, Forty-Five, Forty-Six, Forty-Seven, Forty-Eight, Forty-Nine, Fifty, Fifty-One, Fifty-Two, Fifty-Three, Fifty-Four, Fifty-Five, Fifty-Six, Fifty-Seven, Fifty-Eight, Fifty-Nine, Sixty, Sixty-One, Sixty-Two, Sixty-Three, Sixty-Four, Sixty-Five, Sixty-Six, Sixty-Seven, Sixty-Eight, Sixty-Nine, Seventy, Seventy-One, Seventy-Two, Seventy-Three, Seventy-Four, Seventy-Five, Seventy-Six, Seventy-Seven, Seventy-Eight, Seventy-Nine, Eighty, Eighty-One, Eighty-Two, Eighty-Three, Eighty-Four, Eighty-Five, Eighty Six, Eighty-Seven, Eighty-Eight, Eighty-Nine, Ninety, Ninety-One, Ninety-Two, Ninety-Three, Ninety-Four, Ninety-Five, Ninety-Six, Ninety-Seven, Ninety-Eight, Ninety-Nine, One Hundred, 101, 102, 103.]

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OMG Lost: Obsessive Discussion Thread

In case it's not obvious, herein lie SPOILERZ!!!

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Question of the Day

Because I am a huge romantic, this is my present to Iain for our upcoming anniversary. I was so excited about it that I had to be a spoiler and show it to him immediately; he has already declared it his new favorite t-shirt:

WWHMD? How awesome is that?

So, today's QotD is: What's your favorite t-shirt? My favorite has to be a Lost (ZOMG Lost finale tonight!!!11!) t-shirt reading "Dharma University" with a picture of a polar bear. Tied with my Atari t-shirt.

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Harvey Korman - 1927-2008

From CNN:

Comic actor Harvey Korman has died at 81, according to the UCLA Medical Center.

Harvey Korman's death comes after complications from the rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Korman died at the center four months after suffering complications from the rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

"It was a miracle in itself that he survived the incident at all. Everyone in the hospital referred to him as 'miracle man' because of his strong will and ability to bounce right back after several major operations," said Korman's daughter, Kate Korman. "Tragically, after such a hard-fought battle, he passed away."

Korman was a regular on "The Carol Burnett Show" from 1967 through 1978, for which he won Emmy awards in 1969, 1971, 1972 and 1974. He also won a Golden Globe for his work on the series.

The lanky Korman also appeared in Mel Brooks' "Blazing Saddles" (as the sneering Hedley Lamarr), "High Anxiety" and "History of the World, Part 1."
What an amazing talent, what a wonderful comedian, and what a loss. I used to watch Carol Burnett just to see if she could crack him up, and I loved him in all of Mel Brooks' movies.

God speed, Hedy Lamarr. ("That's Hedley!")


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Need a Laugh?

Shaker Rowan passes on this gem from Jacki Schechner at AmericaBlog:

John and Joe invited me to podcast again with them today, and we addressed the issue of sexism and misogyny in the current Democratic primary. I personally haven't seen or heard of any... Give me an example. Like I said, I can't think of any time that Clinton's being female has come up in conversation as a reason to vote against her. Where's this sexism taking place? Not on TV. Not online where I read and communicate. Point it out. I'll be happy to speak up against it.
Well, gee, I can think of A HUNDRED AND THREE EXAMPLES right off the top of my head. Eric Boehlert's got some more here that aren't included in my list. And, say, here's a thread with about a billion more examples!

Btw, I love the construct that sexism only matters if it's used specifically in the context of "a reason to vote against her." Right. And everyone thinks the Curious George "Obama in '08" t-shirt is fine and dandy since it doesn't explicitly say "Don't vote for Obama." Christ.

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You See? You See?

Twit.Oh, you all pooh-poohed me. When I was driven to fist-clenching by his grating voice, his obnoxious behavior and his constant, constant, CONSTANT trilling of "That's fierce!" you all laughed at me. You laughed! I said he was a privileged, spoiled, offensive little brat, and everyone cooed "But his clothes are so beautiful!"

Well, who's laughing now? Ah-ha-ha!

Christian Siriano: If you think of heterosexuals, they have white-trash women and trailer parks, and we have drag queens and trannies. I don’t know if I’m the one who can explain it. It’s, like, drag queens are just there. These answers are hard!
Wow, sexist, classist, racist and transphobic. This is the bozo that Time Out New York decides to quiz regarding gay "culture," as if he'd know culture if it fell out of the sky, landed in his lap, and did the chicken dance. (Seeing him in the company of the other LGBTQ activists in that panel is frankly embarrassing.) This is a guy that thinks "Too Wong Foo" is, ahem, fabulous. Blech. I'm amazed he was able to keep himself from saying "fierce," it's his catchphrase, after all!

And please, spare me the "he's only 23" stuff. I was an asshole when I was in my early 20's and I would never consider calling drag queens and trans people "trash." Not all people in their 20's are this repugnant. If it weren't for the fucking drag queens on Christopher Street, you wouldn't have your sweet little five minutes of fame, Christian. (Tick, tick, by the way.) I love how when asked an interesting question of actual substance:
Why do we all seem to end up in our own little niches in the city—the leather queens over here, the gay Asians over there, the lesbians on the other side, etc.?
He has nothing to say. Literally; it's the only question he didn't answer. I guess he couldn't work in a way to call someone a "tranny mess." Wow, color me shocked. In fierce pink.

Forgive me, Shakers, I just have to indulge in this little bit of schadenfreude. Nothing pisses off this queer like gay men that happily exploit the freedom given to them by the most marginalized members of our community while trashing those same people. And I hate it when people use "tranny" as an insult or mocking adjective. Let's face it, his clothes had Drag Queen written all over them; they'll be paying his salary in the future, if he's lucky.

And I still say everything he made was the same damn outfit.

(Energy Dome tip to (and photo stolen from) Feministe; although I flinch at the "drive-by" snark.)

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One Small Step

Adding my two cents to Petulant's post...

New York Gov. David Paterson has instructed state agencies to recognize same-sex marriages from other states.

In a directive issued on May 14, the governor’s legal counsel, David Nocenti, instructed the agencies that gay couples married elsewhere “should be afforded the same recognition as any other legally performed union.”

The revisions are most likely to involve as many as 1,300 statutes and regulations in New York governing everything from joint filing of income tax returns to transferring fishing licenses between spouses.

In a videotaped message given to gay community leaders at a dinner on May 17, Mr. Paterson described the move as “a strong step toward marriage equality.” And people on both sides of the issue said it moved the state closer to fully legalizing same-sex unions in this state.
This is the way that same-sex marriage will become the law of the land: not by some landmark legal decision handed down by the Supreme Court, but in incremental and manageable steps like this, city by city, state by state. It's less dramatic and it takes longer, but it also makes it harder for the opponents of equality for the gay and lesbian community to fight back; it's like playing Whack-A-Mole.

It's also ironic; this is the same modus operandi that the Religious Reich used to win support for their agenda thirty years ago: infiltrate at the state and local level, the momentum will build from below. We learned, more's the pity, that it worked for them. Now it's our turn.


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Love It

Teaspoon Chandelier!

Thanks to Shaker Tracey.

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Don't Caption this Photo

Via CuteOverload

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George Bush Authorized the Leak of Valerie Wilson's Identity: "Scottie McC doesn't know it yet. But that's basically what he revealed this morning on the Today Show. During the interview, Scottie revealed the two things that really pissed him off with the Bush Administration. First, being set up to lie by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby. And second, learning that Bush had—himself—authorized the selective leaking of the NIE."

Oof, I say again.

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Beep Beep!

Well, we've got a new car.

I like how the gauges and the steering wheel look like a smiley face.

Those aren't pictures of our actual car. They're just pictures of some other 2006 Ford Fusion in "Dune Pearl" (ooh la la) that I found online, because I was too lazy to walk my fat arse out to the driveway and take a picture.

Random Thoughts: It's such a load off our minds. With gas prices threatening to spike this summer and our Behemoth POS threatening to need costly repairs in the very near future just to keep it running, we started to feel like we were in a race against time before the dominoes starting falling. Neither of us fully realized how subliminally stressed about it we each were until we were riding home in the "new" car with a Mozza CD christening the CD player and no worry that we were going to break down at any moment.

And because we'd been driving a Behemoth POS, the better mileage on the newer, smaller car and better insurance rate will make the higher car payment a wash. Wheeeeeeeee!

When we were just at the dealership, the guy doing our financing said that some dude just bought a new Ford Expedition the other day and it cost them $113 to fill it for him. "And he probably ran out of gas before he pulled out of the parking lot!" He was actually laughing at his own customer for the idiocy of buying a giant gas guzzling SUV when everyone else is buying smaller and smaller cars. Ha.

Finally: This was a great car-buying experience. Aside from just being a low pressure, casual salesperson, the guy who helped us treated me like I had a brain and was an equal partner; he never made me feel like "the wife." I felt extremely comfortable with him, way more comfortable (and respected) by a long shot than I have ever felt with any car salesman in the past. He's going to get a nice email thanking him for that, and his boss will be getting a letter complimenting him for it, too. I'm also going to recommend him to anyone I know who's looking to buy a car.

It pays to be cool to uppity bitchez.

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Quote of the Day

"Total crap."—Former White House Counselor Dan Bartlett on The McClellatron 3000's allegation that the media was soft on the White House in the run-up to the Iraq war.

He's right. That is total crap. They weren't soft; they were shamefully, despicably, criminally irresponsible.

I suspect that's not what Bartlett meant though, heh.

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Army Suicides on the Rise


WASHINGTON - The number of Army suicides increased again last year, amid the most violent year yet in both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Two defense officials said Thursday that 108 troops committed suicide in 2007, six more than the previous year. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the full report on the deaths wasn't being released until later Thursday.

About a quarter of the deaths occurred in Iraq.

The overall toll was the highest in many years, and it was unclear when, if ever, it was previously that high. Immediately available Army records go back only to 1990 and the figure then was lower — at 102 — for that year as well as 1991.


The increases come despite a host of efforts to improve the mental health of a force stressed by long and repeated tours of duty. Increasing the strain on the force last year was the extension of deployments to 15 months from 12 months, a practice that is being terminated this year.

What really frustrates me about reading this is my feeling of helplessness. Here I am, a recently graduated mental health professional having difficulty finding a job, and I can't get a job at the VA, due to DADT.

I'd be interested to know what these "efforts" to improve mental health actually are, and how much they could possibly be helping when Army personnel are continually faced with extended deployments and multiple tours of duty. I read news like this and I wonder how people can still be pushing that "no one talks about the good things coming out of Iraq" pap.

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Obama's Webb?

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been seeing little things here and there about the possibility of Virginia Senator Jim Webb, the Democratic convert who beat George "Macaca" Allen in 2006, being a great potential running mate for Obama, provided he's the nominee. Yesterday, there was a piece in the New York Observer, "What Jim Webb Is Worth to Obama," that detailed the pros and cons of an Obama-Webb ticket, ultimately finding: "[I]n a national campaign, what seemed dull in '06 might instead register as sober, responsible and reassuring. And, really, when the Republicans start calling him a weakling and a lightweight, is there anyone Obama would rather have by his side than Jim Webb?"


Not mentioned, of course, is that Webb's baggage includes a 1979 essay in the Washingtonian, "Women Can't Fight," in which Webb argued that there was no place for women in combat and therefore no place for them at the Naval Academy. (What's rarely been cited from that piece is his alarming claim that rape and domestic violence against women are attributable to "the realignment of sexual roles." Um, wow.) Webb also penned a piece for The Weekly Standard in 1997, "The War on the Military Culture," in which he said: "Political and military leaders must have the courage to ask clearly in what areas our current policies toward women in the military are hurting, rather than helping, the task of defending the United States."

And despite the widely-disseminated talking point issued by the Dems that Webb doesn't believe that shit anymore, he wasn't exactly running away from it with fervent regret when asked about it on Meet the Press in 2006:

Russert: Now you issued a statement, said, "to the extent my writing caused hardship," you were sorry. And Ms. Murray has sent me a letter saying, "That's not enough." It's not to the extent that "my writing caused hardship." The content of the article was just plain wrong, and Mr. Webb should say that. Do you agree?

Webb: Um, this article was written from the perspective of a marine rifle platoon company commander, and, to that extent, I think it was, uh, way too narrowly based.

Russert: But was it wrong?

Webb: I don't think it was wrong to participate in the debate at that time. It's been 27 years, it's a magazine article, and, uh, it's something, if I may say, I'm fully comfortable with the roles of women in the military today; I've been all around the world and, uh, at the request of many women commanders, this issue was vetted twice, in, uh, Senate confirmation hearings, 1984, 1987, uh, and both times I expressed my views on, uh, women in military billets, and when I was Secretary of the Navy, on my own initiative, I put together a task force that, where we ended up opening up more, uh, more billets, operational billets to women than any sector—

Russert: When you say [crosstalk] the Naval Academy is a horny woman's dream, you regret that?

Webb: Well, I do regret that.
This is the look on Webb's face as he says how he "regrets" saying a placement at the Naval Academy is a horny woman's dream:

Yeah, he regrets that like I regret voting for Al Gore.

I cannot begin to express what a terrible, terrible, terrible idea it would be for the Democratic Party to allow Jim Webb onto the national ticket after this primary season, for reasons I'm guessing I don't need to explain. I resent the idea that sticking any old pair of boobs in the veep slot is going to mollify the women who are rightfully angry with the way Clinton has been treated by her own party during this primary (yeah, I'm looking at you, Leahy, just for a start), but I resent even more the notion that it doesn't matter at all. Handing the veep slot to Webb on an Obama ticket would be a huge slap in the face to feminists. I can think of almost nothing that would prevent me from voting for the Democratic ticket this November, but putting Webb's name on it would send me screaming Green without reservation—because it wouldn't just be about Webb; it would be about the Democrats signaling that they just don't give a shit about my vote.

And, realistically, that's part of why the whole Roe v Wade cudgel isn't working to batter feminists into line like it used to; the Democrats have been weak on protecting choice—and, hence, women's autonomy—for fucking years now. Sure, Roe's still in place, but the GOP has successfully chipped away at abortion rights on the federal and state levels for two decades. The point is, certainly the Democrats will nominate and approve justices who will protect Roe, but if they aren't willing to protect it from being rendered an impotent and largely symbolic statute because it's been hollowed out by "partial-birth abortion bans" and "parental consent laws" and state legislatures that refuse to fund clinics offering abortions, what does it really matter if they protect Roe? Feminists who are paying attention to what's happened to practical choice in this country know that the Roe card is already functionally meaningless at this point in large swaths of the country.

Empty promises to guarantee Roe aren't going to do it. The Dems are falling down on the job of serving their feminist constituents in general and women specifically. Putting Webb on the ticket would not reassure us; it would only hasten the process of driving us from the party, once and for all.

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Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime

Card Sharks

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Question of the Day

Since Iain and I were out this evening car shopping (and, if everything goes through, touch wood, will tomorrow morning trade in our current, near-death Behemoth POS for a beautifully zippy and cheap used Ford Fusion), the obvious QotD is: What kind of car do you drive? (Or, if you don't drive a car, what's your usual mode of transport?)

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Top Chef Open Thread

Top Chef Open Thread

Chef Tom Colicchio will drink. your. milkshake!!!

He will also tell you you probably could have picked something more challenging for your Quickfire dish than your simple, if delicious, fried bologna sandwich.

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Caption for a video link at CNN:

Watch Obama discuss his Pennsylvania primary loss on CNN Radio Wednesday.

No, thanks; I think I'll listen to it on my dishwasher.

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Caption This Photo

The McClellaton 3000 is offered some of his favorite mechanical snacks to calm his rage during a press conference promoting his new book, Liebot, after he was informed that President Bush now considers the McCaindroid his favorite robot slave.

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I just wanted to take a moment and congratulate ThinkProgress on receiving yesterday's Sidney Hillman Journalism Award as best blog.

As Liss could undoubtedly confirm, I'm a sworn devotee of ThinkProgress. Their ability to deliver such remarkable quantity and quality in such a timely fashion is unparalleled, which is why I head there several times a day.

And so, a round of applause for Faiz, Amanda, Satyam, Matt and the whole crew at TP for obtaining the recognition they deserve, and for reminding us on a daily basis that at the heart of the progressive movement is the thought of progress.

Below is a video they produced to show everyone at the awards ceremony what they're all about.

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Obama's a Big Girl Watch

Shaker David emailed me about this reader post at TPM, rightfully calling out more insane sexism at HuffPo, this time directed at Obama, and referencing the New York Post op-ed about how Obama could be the first woman president.

As I said before, the fact that Democratic male candidates have been routinely demeaned using misogynistic and homophobic (and usually some combination thereof) rhetoric should have made progressives determined to combat the ugly sexism which has pervaded this primary, irrespective of at whom it was directed.

Instead, we've mostly failed utterly to defend Clinton, and an alarming number of supposed progressives joined in the "fun" and piled on, so instead of sweeping into the general on a cresting wave of misogyny-busting awesomeness, we're shuffling in with most of our swords dulled by wanton hypocrisy.

And yeah, even though Obama has occasionally not practiced what he preaches, and he and his key campaign staff have occasionally traded on sexism, I'm still going to defend him against sexist attacks anyway, because that's how feminism works and I am a feminist.

My sword is sharp as fuck, and I intend to keep it that way.

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Random YouTubery: Howard's Big Dig

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Hillary Sexism Watch, #103

A few people have now sent notes about the image currently featured at Mark Halperin's blog at Time:

To be quite honest, I don't have the foggiest fooking clue what it's even intending to convey; is Hillary Clinton supposed to be damsel in distress and train? Is this supposed to be communicating that she's her own victim, her own enemy? I don't get it. Imagery FAIL.

What I do get is the inherent sexism in any "damsel in distress" imagery, and that this is yet another in an increasingly long series of violent metaphors used in association with Clinton, where the "death" of her campaign is overtly conflated with her personal death.

It seems that, once upon a time, the progressive blogosphere was concerned with eliminationist rhetoric when it was used against Democrats/liberals/progressives. What happened to that...?

And why is it, do you think, that so many progressive bloggers were willing to take Clinton to task for carelessly invoking RFK's assassination without thought to what it might mean to people of color (just for a start), but don't seem to give the tiniest, microscopic shit that brutal, violent, morbid rhetoric and imagery is regularly and deliberately used by the mainstream media to talk about Clinton?

To those of us who blog with regularity about the violent mistreatment of women all over the globe on a daily basis, to see such indifference to eliminationist rhetoric about a liberal, feminist, female presidential candidate is utterly appalling.

[Hillary Sexism Watch: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, Thirty-Five, Thirty-Six, Thirty-Seven, Thirty-Eight, Thirty-Nine, Forty, Forty-One, Forty-Two, Forty-Three, Forty-Four, Forty-Five, Forty-Six, Forty-Seven, Forty-Eight, Forty-Nine, Fifty, Fifty-One, Fifty-Two, Fifty-Three, Fifty-Four, Fifty-Five, Fifty-Six, Fifty-Seven, Fifty-Eight, Fifty-Nine, Sixty, Sixty-One, Sixty-Two, Sixty-Three, Sixty-Four, Sixty-Five, Sixty-Six, Sixty-Seven, Sixty-Eight, Sixty-Nine, Seventy, Seventy-One, Seventy-Two, Seventy-Three, Seventy-Four, Seventy-Five, Seventy-Six, Seventy-Seven, Seventy-Eight, Seventy-Nine, Eighty, Eighty-One, Eighty-Two, Eighty-Three, Eighty-Four, Eighty-Five, Eighty Six, Eighty-Seven, Eighty-Eight, Eighty-Nine, Ninety, Ninety-One, Ninety-Two, Ninety-Three, Ninety-Four, Ninety-Five, Ninety-Six, Ninety-Seven, Ninety-Eight, Ninety-Nine, One Hundred, 101, 102.]

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Wednesday Blogaround

What's the frequency, Shakers?

Recommended Reading:

BradBlog: The NY Times Continues to Disgrace Itself

Echidne: On Chris Matthews

Mannion: Mannion Writes Letters

Jessica: Making politics "sexy." For dudes.

Recon: The Decline Of Western Civilization, Evidence No.837

Chris: Rachmaninov Had Big Hands

Also: Shaker AmandaW has moved, so update your feeds/blogrolls!

Leave your links in comments.

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Safety Dance

Good news for anyone planning to get themselves blown up in the future (pay attention, citizens of Iran), a new, eco-friendly bomb is in the works. German scientists, a group with a solid history of inventing new ways to destroy things, have come up with an explosive material that is good for the environment. You know, aside from what it may vaporize, pulverize or otherwise set aflame.

No, the new explosive doesn't expel poppy seeds and windmills across the countryside when detonated, but it does produce "fewer toxic byproducts than common explosives." That's nice. It's good to know we can dig through rubble with a certain peace of mind now. Maybe they can add scents to the munitions too, that way a war zone can smell like Irish Spring or something.

I guess I'll go remove my "War is bad for children and other living things" bumper sticker from my car now.

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of WTF?

[Serious spoiler warning. I mean it! I'm going to talk about the ending and everything, so don't say I didn't warn you! This is your warning: SPOILERZZZ!!!]

First, let's start with the four-word movie review: What the fuck, Spielberg?

Or, if you prefer: George Lucas hates me. Ruining Star Wars wasn't enough for this voraciously destructive dillweed; he had to go and ruin the other beloved series of my childhood, too! While you're at it, why don't you just stomp on my Strawberry Shortcake dolls, too, ya bastard?!

Okay, I can't even begin to estimate how many times I've watched the Indy films, nor do I believe I can properly convey how much this newest film had my vote to lose. I was excited as hell about it; I wanted to like it; I expected to like it; I was seeing it with Iain, who was as excited and determined to like it, and certain he would, as I was. We were eager and invested and ready to cheer.

And then came the opening scene featuring an anthropomorphized prairie dog, and my heart just sank. Oh no.

Iain and I looked at each other in the dark with furrowed brows. Still, we shook it off. One misstep. No biggie.

We gave it another chance. And another. And another. And more...through the absurd premise, the xenophobia, the terrible dialogue, the wooden acting, the clichés (oh, Maude, the clichés!), the derivative set pieces and imagery, the criminal reduction of Marion to a love-struck ninny, the appalling underutilization of John Hurt, the crap special effects, right on to the ending, at which point I watched as Cate Blanchett's character—the most interesting thing about the whole bloody film—get obliterated with...wait for it...too. much. knowledge.

Are you kidding me?

Indiana Jones is an archaeologist and a professor! His life is about the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge—and the thing about Indy is that it was often his knowledge that saved him. Even if he wasn't tougher or faster or bigger or stronger than the other guy, he was always smarter. He was adventurer and intellectual.

It's why I loved him.

So why, then, at the end of this film was I forced to watch a character—and a female character, no less—be destroyed for the terrible sin of wanting knowledge?

The Hacktacular Duo should have just named her Eve and gotten it over with.

And, by the way, remember that leaked screen shot of Shia LaBeouf punching Blanchett in the face? (Click here to see the image.) That never actually happens onscreen. Which makes Paramount's decision to leak that particular shot to generate interest for the film all the more curious.

Not only do I give this movie two thumbs down; I only wish I had a couple extra arms so I could give it even more.


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Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime

The Tick

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From the Mailbox...

I got an official-looking letter from the Republican National Committee. It contained their "census," wanting to know what the GOP should do on "important issues," such as "Should Republicans do everything they can to prevent liberal Democrats from repealing the USA Patriot Act and other important laws that help our intelligence agencies protect America?" and so forth. I answered "NO" to every question, including the one that begged for money, and instead, marked the box that said, "No, I favor electing liberal Democrats over the next ten years."

Then I found a piece of heavy cardboard that fit inside the Business Reply envelope and wrote in large letters, "I've been a registered Democrat since 1972. I am a gay man with a blog. I am your worst nightmare."

It's going in the mail in the morning.


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In Memoriam

Sydney Pollack RIP

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Impossibly Beautiful

Men, they're coming for you:

Yes, that's Clive Owen, the "ruggedly handsome" star of the silver screen, helping Lancôme advertise their new anti-Clive Owen anti-aging product for men.

For the record:

The Patriarchy has heard our many cries about the manifest unfairness that men are allowed to age more gracefully than women, that we are allowed to find aging men lovely, with all their "flaws," their gray hair and rough skin and scars and wrinkles. The Patriarchy has heard us raise our voices to protest the inequity, and it has said: "Let aging men thus be deemed ugly, too."

The Patriarchy has never seen an uneven bar that couldn't be lowered for everyone.

(H/T to The Red Queen. Shaker Anna notes that Jezebel's got a post on this, too.)

[Impossibly Beautiful: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen.]

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And I Thought Girlz Were Supposed to be Bad at Math

From an irritatingly stupid AP article on MSN about whether the upcoming Sex and the City movie will be a hit despite its supposedly limited appeal:

"This movie really will be a paternity test for R-rated female-driven romantic comedies," said analyst Jeff Bock of box office tracker Reel Source. "There haven't been a lot of movies like this." Bock predicts the movie will have a strong opening weekend, then a big drop-off. "There's no getting around that this is a film oriented to women and gay men," he said. "It will be very hard to get past that, especially with a lot of testosterone-driven films out there this summer."
Okay, first of all, paternity test? WTF? That doesn't even make sense, douchebrain.

Secondly: Women = approximately 52% of the population. Gay men = approximately 10% of the male population. How, exactly, does that add up to a smaller potential audience than "testosterone-driven" dudely films for the straight menz?

(Oh, right. Because women will go see dick flicks, but no self-respecting straight dude would go see a ZOMG CHICK FLICK!!!11!eleventy-one!!! Except for the promise of a blowjob, of course.)

Meanwhile, the title of this idiotic pile of shite is "Can women alone make 'Sex and the City' a hit?" Well, guess the fuck what? If gay men are planning on going to Sex and the City in large numbers (and they fookin' are!), that alone makes the question moot now, doesn't it?!

[H/T to Shaker Kristin.]

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A Moment of Personal Privilege

Melissa knows what it means, but she's not telling.

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Sydney Pollack RIP

Veteran director and actor Sydney Pollack died yesterday. Among his more memorable films were Absence of Malice, Out of Africa, and the American classic Tootsie. During his prolific carreer he produced and directed over 40 films, starred in numerous others and even managed to make appearances on TV shows as diverse as King of the Hill, Will & Grace, and The Sopranos.

Pollack was widely admired and respected by his collegues and peers. Upon his passing, George Clooney said "Sydney made the world a little better, movies a little better and even dinner a little better. A tip of the hat to a class act. He'll be missed terribly."

Michael Apted commented "Sydney let the dialogue and the emotion of a scene speak for itself. Not given to cinematic tricks, his gentle and thoughtful touch and his focus on the story let us inhabit the world he created in each film." High praise, if you ask me.

Recount, a dramatization of the 2000 election, a film on which Pollack served as executive producer, is now airing on HBO. Made of Honor, co-starring Pollack, is now in theaters.

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Little Stuff; Big Problems

As I've said before, being a feminist/womanist woman moving through this culture means there's a lot of stuff you have to ignore just to get through the day without becoming paralyzingly depressed about the plethoric examples of your inequality. This is one of those "little things" across which I stumble with frustrating regularity...

I was just reading an article at TNR (my first mistake) about MSNBC's election coverage when I found this sentence:

If you are someone who gets his international and "hard" news elsewhere, MSNBC is particularly appealing.
Now I know I'm a crazy feminazi and all, but using "his" there instead of "yours" not only makes that sentence construction just all kinds of awkward and nonsensical, but also alienating to feminist readers. You see, it's not just the typical (infuriating) use of gendered (male) language as the default, but its use immediately after the second person you, thusly implicitly presuming that you, the reader, are male.

(And spare me the grammar rules arguments. I can write that sentence six different ways without alienating female readers while simultaneously improving on the second- and third-person discordance.)

Yes, it's a "little thing," but it's a big problem. It reflects the mind of a man who thinks he is only talking to men. And in an article, no less, casually dismissing Clinton's complaints about sexism in the media as overwrought (though not totally without merit; gee, how magnanimous). Does anyone else see the inherent conflict there?

And that's why I've also said before that focusing on the "little stuff," when we do, is not a bad idea, given that the "little stuff" is the fertile soil in which everything else takes root and from whence everything else springs, that it's via the "little stuff" that the fundamental idea that women are not equal to men is conveyed over and over and over again.

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Of Course He Is

Senator Joseph Lieberman scheduled to headline Pastor John Hagee's 2008 Christians United For Israel Washington-Israel Summit.

Yeah, this Pastor Hagee.

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Shaker Gourmet: Crème Brûlée

Our recipe comes via Maurinsky of the blog, Laughing Wild, who says: "We made a batch last night, and it is divine. It's a little fluffier than the crème brûlée we had in France (because I was whipping a little too fervently when tempering the eggs, I think), but so, so lovely."

Crème Brûlée

2 cups heavy cream
1/4 cup sugar
4 egg yolks
pinch of salt
vanilla bean seeds (1/2 a bean, split, seeds scraped out)
sugar to top

Preheat oven to 350. In medium saucepan, mix together the cream, sugar, and salt. Place over low heat until just steaming (should happen as it just starts to bubble). In a mixing bowl, mix together the 4 yolks until smooth. Temper the eggs by slowly adding a tablespoon of the cream mixture, while vigorously mixing the eggs (we do not want scrambled eggs). When about half the cream mixture has been added to the eggs, then mix the egg mixture back into the cream mixture - again, not too fast. Add the vanilla bean seeds in and mix. Then fill custard cups and place them in a pan. Fill the pan with water so it reaches halfway up the sides of the custard cups. Bake at 350 for 40-45 minutes - the custard should be mostly firm but not completely firm at the center.

Chill for a minimum of 2 hours.

Cover the top of each custard with sugar (I put the remainder of the vanilla bean into the sugar jar, so I used vanilla scented sugar). Either place under the broiler or use a kitchen torch to melt the sugar. Let it sit for a few minutes before serving.
Maurinsky also notes: "Just an FYI, if you decide to make this: don't use brown sugar on top. My husband did that and it was more crème flambé than crème brûlée."

If you'd like to participate in Shaker Gourmet, email me (include a blog link!) at: shakergourmet (at) gmail.com

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