Quote of the Day

"I do not believe the Republican Party should focus only on our economic life, to the neglect of our human life."—GOP presidential contender Jon Huntsman, speaking today in DC at Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Conference, aka Another Iteration of Annual Fuckery by the American Family Values Children Christian Liberty Freedom Patriot Association Foundation Organization.

lol your assertion that the Republican Party cares about economics anymore. Or anything other than criminalizing abortion.

"I do not believe the Republican Party should focus only on eroding women's rights, to the neglect of EVERYTHING ELSE."—Me.

As governor of Utah, I supported and signed every pro-life [sic] bill that came to my desk. I signed the bill that made second trimester abortions illegal and increased the penalty for doing so. I signed the bill to allow women to know about the pain that abortion causes an unborn child [sic]. I signed the bill requiring parental permission for an abortion. I signed the bill that would trigger a ban on abortions in Utah if Roe vs. Wade were overturned.

You see, I do not believe the Republican Party should focus only on our economic life, to the neglect of our human life. That is a trade we should not make. If Republicans ignore life, the deficit we will face is one that is much more destructive. It will be a deficit of the heart and of the soul.

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