You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!

There is no way Mondo Fucko is still talking about his optimistic rug:
After nine months of being nearly invisible -- a big outing has been to a Dallas hardware store for flashlights -- George W. Bush made his debut Monday in his latest incarnation: motivational speaker.

Nearly 15,000 people heard the former president, known more for mangling the English language than for his eloquence, reminisce about his White House days. Bush, who is writing a book about the dozen toughest decisions he had to make, used much of his 28 minutes onstage to talk about lighter topics such as picking out a rug design for the Oval Office that reflected his "optimism."
Holy Maude. He really loves that fuckin' rug.


And he's sticking with the "every day was joyous" shit, too:
Looking younger than his 63 years and relaxed, Bush did not appear to have an overarching theme, but strung anecdotes and jokes together and frequently mentioned his faith in God.

"I don't see how you can be president without relying on the Almighty. Now when I was 21, I wouldn't have told you that, but at age 63, I can tell you that one of the most amazing surprises of the presidency was the fact that people's prayers affected me. I can't prove it to you. But I can tell you some days were great, some days not so great. But every day was joyous."
Like, especially that day where he was hanging out and playing a fancy POTUS guitar with Mark Willis. That was some fun shit, I bet! I know something else was going on that day, but I can't remember what it was... JOYOUS!!!

Really. My odium for that fucker knows no depths.

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