Quote of the Day

[Trigger warning for fat hatred.]

"Herein lies the genius of J. C. Penney: It has made a point of providing clothing for people of all sizes (a strategy, company officials have said, to snatch business from nearby Macy's). To this end, it has the most obese mannequins I have ever seen. They probably need special insulin-based epoxy injections just to make their limbs stay on. It's like a headless wax museum devoted entirely to the cast of 'Roseanne'."Cintra Wilson, reviewing the new J.C. Penney in NYC's Herald Square for the New York Times.

The entire article is a masterclass in privilege—class privilege (which is always inextricably linked with racial privilege), primarily—but the thin privilege is the (overtly) nastiest stuff in the piece.

It's amazing to me there are people who can suggest with a straight face that fatties aren't shamed enough in this culture when virulently hateful and bigoted shit like this gets printed like some kind of hilarious but harmless hipster jeremiad in the pages of the New York Times.

Contact the New York Times' Public Editor here.

[H/T to Sadie.]

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