
While the former veep is still hanging around Washington, emitting foul, guttural utterances from the depths of his char-black soul in defense of torture to drooling conservative sycophants whose most fervent hope is be just as evil as he is when they grows up, the former president is on quite the speaking tour himself, having just given a speech to high school students in New Mexico about his pooping dog.

President George W. Bush was walking former first dog Barney in his new Dallas neighborhood when it stopped in a neighbor's yard for relief.

"And there I was, former president of the United States of America, with a plastic bag on my hand," he told a group of graduating high school students in New Mexico on Thursday. "Life is returning back to normal."

Bush, in one of his few public appearances since leaving office in January, told the students that leaving office lifted a heavy burden.

"I no longer feel that great sense of responsibility that I had when I was in the Oval Office. And frankly, it's a liberating feeling," he told seniors from Artesia High School.
Well, some people are cut out for running a country. And some people are cut out for picking up dogshit. Nothing wrong with that, bub.

It's just too bad you didn't realize it before serving two terms requiring you to do the former. Or at least pretend to.

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