
A bitch just read this news bit about a Halloween party hosted by Julie Myers, who is head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. It was a costume party…some sort of office thing…and there was a costume contest. One employee dressed up in prison garb…and sported a wig of dreadlocs…and a face made up with brown makeup.


There’s even photographic evidence of Ms. Myers getting her party on with the browned up employee, but those pictures were cleansed from the public record once it was explained to Julie that they were offensive. Julie originally thought the costume was wicked cool and “original”.

But, painting your face black or brown then behaving and dressing in a way that validates and perpetuates racial stereotypes isn’t new or original. That’s the shit that made Al Jolson a star way back in the day.Calling it bronzer, that’s newish.

I've always wondered about the people in charge of enforcement. It's nice to know that my tax dollars are paying the salary of some ig’nant motherfucker exploring his inner minstrel through the magic of bronzer.



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