Someone's Getting Snippy

Not only is Bush The King of Obvious Body Language, it's also the high point of hilarity to see his responses to questions when he's feeling backed into a corner.

Bush Sidesteps Questions About CIA Leak

"So and So from the Bush Administration Sidesteps Questions about Such and Such" is becoming a very common headline these days.

MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina - President Bush sidestepped questions Friday about whether he owes the American people an apology for the role of administration officials in the CIA leak case. He also refused to comment on calls for a staff shakeup.

Gee, what was all that about firing anyone in his administration that breaks the law? Oh, yes, the usual Bush bullshit.

And here's the return of your favorite sidestep and mine, the "Serious Investigation" dodge.

"We're going through a very serious investigation," Bush told reporters. "I have told you before that I'm not going to discuss the investigation until it's completed. My obligation is to set an agenda and I have done that."

The way things are going these days, Bush isn't going to be able to talk about anything other than what he had for breakfast that day. Everything will be under investigation. (You'll note the appearance of the exact same phrasing in the above link.) And how exactly is asking him whether or not he owes the American public an apology asking him about the investigation? No one asked for details about the investigation, Mister Bush. They just want to know if you feel enough respect for America to apologize to them for making such a mess of things.

Oh, I forgot, this is the man that never makes mistakes.

"My obligation is to set an agenda and I have done that." I love when he gets pissy. He just hates being questioned in any way.

Asked about whether he would replace key members of his administration, as suggested by prominent Republicans, Bush said, "Again, you're trying to get me to comment on the investigation which I'm not going to do."

Bush also deflected questions about public opinion surveys which show his credibility in steep decline.

"I think this may be the fourth or fifth consecutive press conference or semi-press conference that I've been asked about polls," Bush said.

I think they may have edited out the "goddamnit" at the end of that sentence. Gee, usually Bush is so laid back, the type of guy you'd like to have a beer with... you mean he doesn't have some charming, flippant remark at the ready to throw out when confronted with the miserable failure of his Presidency?

I'm shocked.

Please, please, please, let him lose it on camera. I'd give an obscene amount of money to witness a Bush temper tantrum on live television.

(You're so vain... you probably think this cross-post is about you...)

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