Felch You

Okay, this is really beyond the pale.

Pam reports on a North Carolina County Commissioner, Bill James, whose hatred for homosexuals is only matched by his apparent obsession with their sexual behavior. She posts an entire email he sent on the subject, in response to some of his fellow commissioners’ advocacy of extending domestic partner benefits. Here’s an excerpt from that email:
You really think that a pool of people (homosexuals) where 45% of them eat feces from the rear end of another male is "normal"? If you do, you are frankly nuts.

A lifestyle where one of their past times is buying gerbils and hamsters from the pet store and cramming them up their rears in an activity called feltching? A group of people who like to urinate on their partners and call them "golden showers"? Where one of the honored members of the Gay Alliance is an organization called the "Man-Boy Love Association" that promotes sex with underage boys?

That behavior is worthy of protection? That behavior is worthy to be taught in our schools? to our children? You are one sick "Independent, white, married-heterosexual, presbyterian" if you do.
Okay, aside from his vitroilic attitude, I’d like to point out that the correct spelling is felching, and the definition which he attributes to it is not its common usage. (I’m very impressed, by the way, that Wikipedia has an article on felching! Who knew? I thought I might have to send you to some weird site, but nope!) And I’d love to know what schools his kids are going to that they’re being taught about felching. I had to learn about it the old-fashioned way—from John Waters’ films and gay porn.
In one study, two homosexual researchers found that 73% of adult male homosexuals had had sex with boys age 19 or younger.
Oh, heavens to Betsy! You mean adult male homosexuals were actually having sex with other adult male homosexuals???!!! The horror!

Somebody please inform Mr. James that once you reach 18, you’re not “a boy” anymore. And while you’re at it, let him know that any study of adult male hetersexuals having sex with “girls” age 19 or younger would probably produce similar results. In fact, I would imagine that most people having sex at, say, age 20, are having sex with people in that same age range, give or take a couple of years, so I can’t for the life of me figure out what’s shocking about this statistic.

Anyway, read the rest. It’s really appalling to think this is what we’re dealing with. Pam notes:
This redneck bumf*ck is in desperate need of therapy, and I would add, a bit more literacy, sex ed and access to factual information. His obsession with real or perceived sex acts is, well, insane.
So true. If you’d like to help Mr. James by offering him some help in the literacy, sex ed, and/or factual information departments, his email is Wjames@carolina.rr.com.

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