You Know What I Was Just Thinking?

That if President Obama REALLY wants to convince me that he's totally an ally to ladies, he would definitely agree to a cameo in Entourage: The Movie.

Adrian Grenier, star of the hit series "Entourage," says he's made a deal with President Obama.

"I promised to make the 'Entourage' movie if he would do a cameo. He agreed. Seriously," Grenier wrote on Facebook on Friday.

Obama was a big fan of the HBO show.
NEAT! That is such a FUN FACT about the President, and also a very cool show for dudes to like!

For the record, yes, I realize that this is just some shit that some douche who starred in a horrible show about horrible people based on Mark Wahlberg's real horrible life wrote on his Facebook page, but it has been three days and no horrified press release has been issued saying that the President categorically is not interested in appearing in the horrible movie spin-off of this horrible show, because no doy it's fun to just let the cool bros think the prez is totes gonna do it and WHO ARE YOU GOING TO VOTE FOR, WOMEN WITH SELF-RESPECT, IF NOT FOR THE PRESIDENT WHO LOVES ENTOURAGE EVEN MORE THAN ROE V WADE?! Answer me that!

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