Daily Dose of Cute

Auntie Eastsidekate and Auntie Westsidebecca and Cousin Miss A recently sent Dudley and Zelda a present, which they asked me to open for them with my enviable opposable thumbery. I was happy to comply, and the dogs were thrilled to be gifted a plushy tree-trunk filled with three squeaky plushy chipmunks! (True Fact: Rory the Spud has the exact same toy.)

Zelda immediately removed all the chipmunks and began squeaking them with vigorous enthusiasm!

Zelda on the rug surrounded by the scattered chipmunks

Dudz immediately took possession of the chipmunks' tree to use as a pillow, because getting presents is exhausting.

Dudley curled up on his dog bed, using the trunk as a pillow

Later, the two dogs were in the office, both of them happily squeaking away, with a chipmunk apiece.

Video Description: The two monsters lie on their monster beds in my office, squeaking their chipmunks. I pan from Dudley to Zelly. Chew chew chew. I pan back. Chew chew chew. "Dudley, do you like your new toy?" I ask him. Chew chew chew. I pan to Zelly. "What about you, Zelda?" Chew chew chew. "Good puppies!" I say. I start to pan back to Dudz, but Zelly looks at me and wags her tail. I pan back to her. "Good puppy?" She looks at Dudley. I pan to him. He grabs his chipmunk, which has fallen onto the floor and returns it to his bed. Fin.

Zelly's favorite new game is to grab one of the chipmunks by the head and offer us its tail, so we can grab it for CHIPMUNK TUG-O-WAR! Zelly is the undefeated champion.

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