I am listening to the House debate on HR3, and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Eprehensible) just said, "We are a culture that values life."


If you are willing to compromise the physical health, psychological health, job, education, safety, relationships, sense of self, sense of security, dignity, autonomy, agency, free will, and/or right of self-governance of a cis woman or trans man in order to force that person to carry to term a pregnancy zie does not want or cannot be sustained, you have officially ceded your right to claim you value life.

I am a human. Denying my right to abortion does not in any way make me feel like my life is being valued, or the quality of my life, or the agency over my life to which I am meant to have a public (and, according to Cantor and his cohorts, divine) right.

No one can argue, with any honesty or credibility, that they value life if they would force a person to carry to term an unwanted or unviable pregnancy against hir will. That is the opposite of a respect for life, if the definition of "life" is to have any meaning at all.

That's it and that's all. The fucking end.

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