Shame is right

The "heartbeat" hoopla wasn't the only bullshit happening in the Ohio legislature today:
A GOP-backed measure that would restrict the collective bargaining rights of roughly 350,000 teachers, firefighters, police officers and other public employees squeaked through the state Senate on a 17-16 vote. Six Republicans sided with Democrats against the measure.

Firefighters and teachers shouted "Shame!" in the chamber as the legislation was approved.

The bill would ban strikes by public workers and establish penalties for those who do participate in walkouts. Unionized workers could negotiate wages, hours and certain work conditions — but not health care, sick time or pension benefits.

The legislation would also set up a new process to settle worker disputes, giving elected officials the final say in contract disagreements. Binding arbitration, which police officers and firefighters use to resolve contract disputes as an alternative to strikes, would be eliminated.


he bill had passed a Senate committee after leadership replaced Seitz on the panel after he expressed disappointment in the bill, a move that secured the votes needed to get the legislation before the full Senate.

Extra chairs had to be brought in to accommodate the public attending the hearing. Prohibited from clapping, many wagged or waved their hands in response to pro-labor comments.

The bill now goes to the state House, where the GOP holds a 59-40 majority. If passed there, it would go to Republican Gov. John Kasich, who has said he supports the effort.
Of course he does--back when he as gov-elect, he said he was going to outright dissolve Ted Strickland's (the former governor) executive orders that allowed two groups of workers (home health care and day care providers) to unionize. Kasich is as anti-union--and nearly as Koch-supported--as Walker.

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