Quote of the Day

"Unemployment has become a trap, one that's very difficult to escape. There are almost five times as many unemployed workers as there are job openings; the average unemployed worker has been jobless for 37 weeks, a post-World War II record. In short, we're well on the way to creating a permanent underclass of the jobless."Paul Krugman, who then wonders, "Why doesn't Washington care?"

Which of course is rhetorical, and Krug's got some ideas about that you should definitely read. But, ultimately, I think the broader answer to that question is something I mentioned earlier today already: "That the GOP isn't even pretending to be remotely reasonable anymore underscores how utterly confident they are that they don't need to persuade voters now that they can just buy elections." And much of the Democratic Party, especially the Obama-triangulist-Third Way-Blue Dog-bipartipoop wing, has bought into that paradigm, too.

They don't care because they don't believe they have to anymore.

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