Polymaths for $200

This hot young Hollywood icon is no mere heartthrob; he is true Renaissance Man that the New York Times describes as "a self-promoting—and often self-mocking—polymath who is a film director, screenwriter, painter, author, performance artist and actor, with several film projects under way," currently getting a master's in film from NYU and a PhD in English from Yale, and co-teaching a course on film editing at Columbia College Hollywood called "Master Class: Editing James Franco—With James Franco."

Wrong again, Wolf Blitzer. Wrong again.

[Btw, I love this bit from the article: "Still, Mr. Franco is clearly not your average graduate student. Last semester, when he and Dr. Warner needed time to discuss a paper, Mr. Franco's personal assistant helped arrange an unusual solution. 'The only time we could find time to talk was during a train ride from New York to New Haven,' said Dr. Warner, who splits his time between the two. 'So I met him on Metro-North.'" LOL! Of course. Because James Franco.]

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