Feel the Trans*-momentum

Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition:
[Yesterday,] Gov. Deval Patrick signed an historic Executive Order that prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and expression in state employment. It applies to all state agencies in the Executive Branch, including executive offices, boards, commissions, agencies, and departments as well as businesses and organizations that contract with the Executive Branch.
Transgender individuals need equal protections under the law so that they are free to best utilize their skills and experiences, in a way that can only benefit the Commonwealth as a whole.

This Executive Order is a good first step toward that goal. But it’s up to lawmakers to do the rest. Please contact them and ask them to pass An Act Relative to Transgender Equal Rights. And please take a moment to thank Gov. Patrick for his historic move today to bring equality to transgender residents of the Commonwealth.

The MTPC press release
contains information for Massachusetts residents wishing to contact their legislators.

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