No. No No No No No No No. NO!!!

Republican Indiana governor and privatization enthusiast Mitch Daniels says he will decide this spring whether he'll run for president.
"I think the decision has to come at the end of this General Assembly session, if not before. No later than that," said Daniels. "In fairness to people from all over the place - many of whom I've only read about before - who like this idea [of Daniels running for president], I owe them some kind of an answer."
Indeed. And that answer should be NO!

I've expressed before what a terrible idea making my garbage fart of a governor the nation's president would be, and, listen, this is all you need to know about the guy: He thinks the recent tax deal, which was a fucking gift to wealthy conservatives, was a bad deal for Republicans. Because it extended unemployment benefits to out-of-work USians.

Let us never forget that Mitch Daniels was Bush's budget director, whose enthusiasm for cutting "unnecessary" social spending at the federal level earned him the presidential nickname "The Blade."

Hell to the no.

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