
I must have also seen this Tide commercial ten thousand times in the last week:

Video Description: A white middle-aged man oiling his gate spots a short white skirt hanging on the laundry line. He frowns, looks at his grimy hands, then grabs the skirt and uses it like a rag, then goes inside and throws it in the hamper. Cut to a white teenage girl digging through the hamper and finding the oil- and rust-stained skirt. She shows it to Mom, who throws a side-eye at Dad, now obliviously reading the paper. Mom throws the skirt in the washer, where Tide's "Acti-Lift Technology" removes the stains. Cut to daughter wearing clean white skirt; Dad looks horrified and Mom nods happily at evidence of her mad cleanin' skillz. Dad looked perplexed by the MAGIC OF LAUNDRY. Daughter ruffles his hair as she walks by and sails out the door in her short skirt. A female voiceover says, "Dad may try to ruin your style, bur dry stains won't."

The entire thing is set to Studio B's rape culture anthem "I See Girls," the lyrics for which can be found here.

I don't even know where to begin. Suffice it to say, if Tide thinks that 1950's gender roles, patriarchal body policing, and rape culture narratives are hilarious fodder for their advertising, then Tide must not want my business. Done and done.

Email Tide.

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