Shakers Are So Dreamy

Shaker TheDeviantE emails (which I am sharing with permission):
I had a dream a few weeks back that we were gchatting. I was also a vampire being pursued by corrupt vampire hunters (though that may be besides the point). I believe in the dream you were trying to make me feel better about being pursued/chased (quite nice of you, thanks ;-).

I asked E if I could publish his email as a jumping-off point for another thread about how frequently I and the other contributors and other Shakers appear in each other's dreams. Shakes-related dreams come up in comments fairly regularly, and one of the most common subjects among reader emails is telling me that they dreamed about me and/or another contributor. (And, no, the vast majority of these are not the least bit creepy.)

So: Fess up. Have I appeared in your dream as your first-grade teacher? Has a fellow Shaker met you for drinks on the moon in your sleep? Has Deeky come to you in the night as a gummi-worm wielding organ grinder? Did I just invent the quadruple entendre with that last sentence...?

Tell the tales of your Shakesville Dreams here.

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