Arkansas School Board Member Update

Last night Clint McCance, the bigoted ignoramus school board member who posted a whole lot of fetid bullshit on his Facebook page, was on Anderson Cooper. He says he's sorry his comments hurt people and he's resigning:
"I'm sorry I've hurt people with my comments," Clint McCance, vice-president of the Midland School District in Pleasant Plains, Arkansas said. "I'm sorry I made those ignorant comments and hurt people on a broad spectrum."
He then went on to say the exact opposite of what he said on Facebook:
"I would never support suicide for any kids," he said. "I don't support bullying of any kids."

"I'd like to extend apologies to those families that have lost children, for all those children who feel that suicide is the only way out, especially for the five families who have already lost children," he said, referring to a rash of recent suicides by gay teens. "I brought more hurt on them... they didn't deserve that and I do feel genuinely bad for them."

Though he disapproves of homosexuality, McCance said that "I give everyone a chance and try to love everyone."
I see. So now you don't "enjoy the fact that they often give each other aids and die"? So "if they all commit suicide" is now not the only reason you'll wear purple? So you won't plan to "absolutely run them off", if your kids are gay? Uh-huh. Color me cynical.
He said he would resign from the school board to spare the district the bad press and distractions of dealing with the fallout from his comments. "If they decide after five or ten years to vote me back in, then I'll run again," he said.
Well, at least he won't be on the board anymore. Hopefully he never will be again.

(h/t Liss and shaker sloeburn)

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