I Write Letters

Dear Dems:

This is why spending two years coasting on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, while pretending it doesn't matter that you broke faith with women to pass insurance reform legislation and vanished the most important women's issue for the last 50 years from your fancy new website, is a bad fucking idea.

And, for reasons that the archives of this blog elucidate in excruciating detail every day, marginalized populations, women chief among them, keenly understand that social justice and economic justice are inextricably linked, so bank bailouts and bickering over whether to extend massive tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% aren't exactly endearing you to the 77-cents-on-the-dollar contingent.

Just because women know that the GOP is worse, doesn't mean they're going to show up to vote for you when you've given them precious little for which to affirmatively vote. It's increasingly difficult for lots of women to justify casting their votes to support a party whose legislative votes don't support women.

Female Voter

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