A Brief Encounter

The other night, I happened to glance out the front window just as I saw a big, beautiful pigeon land on the front porch. It's very unusual to see pigeons in this area; because we're right on Lake Michigan, we get lots of seagulls, but we're too rural to get many pigeons.


I noticed zie had a green tag around one ankle and an orange tag around the other, but I couldn't make out what either of them said. I went out on the porch and brought my friend a piece of bread, in which zie showed little interest. Zie was, however, very interested in my cooing in hir own language, and spoke back to me for a bit while I took hir picture.

I happen to be a person who likes pigeons (it runs in the family) and so I was pleased to spend a few minutes with such a lovely specimen of pigeon-kind.

Eventually, zie decided to move along and took off in a great flutter of powerful wings. I went back inside and pet the heads of the very interested furry onlookers to the whole scene.

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