
[Trigger warning for reference to clergy abuse.]

[Click to embiggen.]

If you can't view the image, it's of a ten-foot-tall crucifix hanging in St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Oklahoma, in which Jesus' abs (I ain't gonna mince words) look like a huge cock and balls.
The controversial crucifix has caused a deep divide among members of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, where it hangs above the main altar.

"There are a couple people who have left the parish," said the Rev. Philip Seeton, the church's pastor. "There are people in the parish who don't like it and have stayed."

Critics of the crucifix take issue with what appears to be a large penis covering Jesus' abdominal area. Seeton said the portion of the crucifix in question is meant to be Jesus' abdomen "showing distension" — not a penis.
Via Andy, who notes: "The crucifix is based on the San Damiano Crucifix. As you can see, it has distended abs too."

In all seriousness, do Rev. Seeton, who says "the crucifix doesn't concern him, and there are no plans to remove it," and Monsignor Edward Weisenburger of the Oklahoma City Archdiocese, who says "he has no problems with the crucifix," really not get how this image, irrespective of its historical context, is perhaps not strictly the best choice for display in a Catholic Church when juxtaposed against an international sex abuse crisis...?

Somebody nick a fiver from the collection plate and buy these dingalings a fucking clue.

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