Today in Fat Hatin'

Are you fucking kidding me, Reuters?

Are you kidding me with that absurd headline? "Do the obese really deserve contempt?" Seriously?!

Are you kidding me with the article ostensibly about etiquette for dealing with fat people, topped by a picture of a dehumanized headless fatty?!

Are you kidding me with the talking about fat people like we're goddamned aliens from another galaxy, or zoo animals, or some other organic curiosity that must be talked about because surely none of us could effectively communicate ideas about how to treat fat people with dignity?

Are you kidding me with your absolutely laughable list of etiquette rules, which are positively littered with offensive assumptions about fat people?

Are you kidding me with this shit?
They can spot the disapproval and immediate dismissal of those who interview them for jobs (assuming they have the temerity to show up for an interview)
Yes, People of Planet Earth, it's true: Fat people have special echolocation nodes in their subcutaneous fat that heightens their emotional awareness during job interviews. (Also true: I know at least one fat person who knows that "temerity" is not a synonym for "courage," and that the quoted parenthetical actually implies that fat people are uppity for thinking they deserve a job.)

No, really. Are you fucking kidding me with this shit?
Be wary of activities that require a lot of walking or standing. You would do the same for anyone with a walker or wheelchair.
Well, it is true that planning activities for someone in a wheelchair that requires a lot of walking and standing is a bad idea. OMGWTFLOL.

Epic fail, Reuters. Epic. Fucking. Fail.

Contact Reuters.

[Via Anna North.]

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