More Random "Funny"

After stumbling across this, I've made a habit of looking at Yahoo's featured comic. Oddly, none of them are attributed or titled, so I've no idea what I am looking at. I don't know that having the title or artist responsible would help any. I wonder, sometimes, if it's the lack of context that makes these befuddling. Then again, as with the above, a lot of this stuff is just aggressively unfunny.

I sent the above to Liss this morning, as the cream in her proverbial coffee. She was as dumbfounded as I, replying:
I mean, it's literally the guy calling his car a traitor because it — what? — allowed itself to be fixed by a woman. Is she a woman he likes? Was he pretending to have a broken-down car to get her attention? Or is he just mad that she could do something he couldn't?

It's completely dumb, either way.
I'm pretty sure I could post one of these up every day, that's how prevalent this dreck is in the funny papers.

The other thing I noticed was that comic strips seem to be divided up into three groups now: Second-rate Far Side knock offs, absurdism without Larson's wit and charm; unfunny, tired schtick, like the above; and "the classics," those zombified strips that have been around since forever (hey, in case you hadn't heard, Marmaduke is one big dog!) and are likely to shamble around until the Rapture.

As a kid, the comics page was the only part of the paper I'd read. Now I avoid it like a papercut.


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