The Not-Quite-Daily Teaspoon Report

(Edited: I had this scheduled for 3:30 LST - Liss' Standard Time - but decided with the crappy day everyone's having it might be better moved forward, so here it is. Teaspoons up!)

I'll admit: I'm inspired here by my young namesake, waywardtapper, whose teaspoon-wielding skill has given us all a big uplift around here recently.

Seeing how much people were uplifted by that incident, it occurred to me: we could use more of that. So I had an idea, which I ran by Liss this weekend, that maybe we could run a thrice-weekly post in which people could report acts of teaspooning*, however small, that they've encountered recently. They can be your own or someone else's.

The idea is for it to serve two purposes: one, as general inspiration, that you're not alone in wielding your teaspoon; two, as specific inspiration, that you can gain ideas about how you can add more teaspoon to your daily life.

Now, here's the thing. I want to make sure that this post remains tightly focused on the teaspooning, so I'm asking people not to post congratulating one another for their acts/reports. If we find that's too onerous, we'll have to find some way of allowing it that still allows people who don't want to read long comment threads to get to the core purpose, but for now, I'd like to start off without congratulatory comments.

So: have at it, Shakers, tell us how your teaspoon shines! My own is raised in salute to you!


The Not-Quite-Daily Teaspoon Report brought to you by Shaxco, Royal Teaspoon Artisans, by appointment to the Queen Cunt of Fuck Mountain, since 2005.

*If you don't know what teaspooning is, then I'd like to say two things. First, welcome to Shakesville! Second, the answer (as to so many others around here) can be found in Liss' wonderful and informative FAQ, right here.

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