Wexler Leaving Congress

U.S. House of Representatives member Robert Wexler of Boca Raton, a self-described "fire-breathing liberal," defender of Israel and friend of both President Barack Obama and Gov. Charlie Crist, is quitting Congress to head a think tank seeking peace in the Middle East.

In a conference call Tuesday night with Democratic leaders, Wexler said he will become director of the Washington-based Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation.
Not that I have anything against the CMEPEC, but this is a real loss, because Wexler was a great champion of progressive causes in Congress. His voting record was rated 100% by NARAL, 100% by the HRC, and 94% by the NAACP. He wasn't afraid to speak out against shit like the Patriot Act, even before it was popular, and he was a great spokesperson for the Dems and progressive causes; he was always well-spoken and competent and likable and won the damn argument when he was the token liberal on, say, Chris Matthres' show, or one like it.

I hope that his seat is filled by someone as strong a progressive ally as he was.

Thanks for your service, Mr. Wexler.

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