RIP Koko Taylor

From Kyle Ryan at A.V. Club:
In Chicago, it's easy to take Koko Taylor for granted: The "Queen of the Blues" seemed immortal, always performing or just about to head out on the road. Here's hoping you had a chance to see her at one of those thousands of performances, as the Chicago Sun-Times is reporting Taylor has died at 80.

Taylor had been in the hospital for surgery to repair a "gastrointestinal bleed," and as recently as a couple weeks ago was expected to make a full recovery. Details are sketchy at this point, but it appears her death was due to complications from the procedure.

This is a sad day, but also day to celebrate Taylor's life and work. The A.V. CLub link has a video of Taylor and Little Walter singing "Wang Dang Doodle". Below is a clip of Taylor talking about the blues and singing, from 1987:

Koko Taylor sings "I Cried Like a Baby" and talks about the blues and her life. (1987)

More from the Chicago Sun-Times.

Rest in peace, Ms. Taylor.

H/T TheLadyEve, by email

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