Muff Dive the Tea-Baggers! (& Monthly Tip-Jar Reminder)

[This is the monthly tip-jar post -- it will stay at the top of the page for part of the morning -- new posts below.]

Well, Shakers, this wiley old dyke has been cogitating all week -- the nation is in a tea-bagging frenzy -- What to do? What to do!

Then -- Eureka!

Simply make everyone an honorary lesbian for the day, and . . . . Voila -- National 'Nad-to-Gob Crisis Averted!

This is actually something I have vast experience with -- creating honorary (and real!) lesbians - so if you've had it with the whole tea-bagging thing, watch the video below -- then, if someone asks you about today's "protests", you can say: "Sorry! Lesbian here! No Comment!" -- or if you're feeling an extra 10% Lesbian, maybe carry a hand-stenciled sign emblazoned with:
"Muff-Dive the Tea Baggers!!!"

Oh, and since it IS the 15th, and tax day, and all -- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DONATE TO SHAKESVILLE today!!!! (Yes, I'm yelling -- I'm yelling in bold, no less. I know.)

Here's the vid (video/sound quality not the best -- close captions are available and may help) -- I even mentioned taxing the rich in this clip -- 18 years ago!

I must be psychic ;) - heh heh.

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