The American Rightwing, in All Its Unabashed Glory

"I love my country and I don't like what's going on," [Brian Smith, a marketer from Greenville, S.C., who attended the D.C. rally while in town on business] said. "Government—to be honest with you, and this will probably be misquoted, but on 9/11, I think they hit the wrong building. They should have gone into the Capitol building, hit out, knocked out both sides of the aisle, we'd start from scratch, we'd be better off today." I pointed out that "they" did try to hit the Capitol. "Yeah, I know, they missed," he said. "The wrong sequence. If someone had to go, it should have been the Capitol building. On that day I felt differently, but today that's the way I feel."
More from D.C. here.

Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) was one of the dozens of Republican lawmakers who are addressing the anti-Obama tea parties today. He told the crowd he didn’t believe they were all “right-wing extremists,” as others had sought to portray them. “But if you are, I’m with you!” he shouted. After, he told reporters that Texas might have to secede from the union.
Chicago: This image may be triggering for Jewish Shakers. Godwin's Law in overdrive.


New York:
[Newt Gingrich] got a more enthusiastic response when he blasted the economic bailouts of the past year, likening the federal response to the foreclosure crisis to a teenager who gets drunk on Friday night, wakes up thinking he has a brain tumor, and figures the best response is to get twice as drunk on Saturday night.

"I don't want to be lectured by bunch of sloppy left wingers about why I should be patriotic on their terms, which means giving them my money," he said.
Salt Lake City:
"I'm just fed up with paying more taxes than I need to," said Stacey Guerra, of Salt Lake City, who attended the event with her husband and daughter.
Well, that about sums it up, doesn't it? The people who cheered on Bush while he launched two wars and cheered on the Republican Congress for six years while they oversaw an unprecedented spending spree are now "fed up" with paying the amount of taxes they're paying. Honey, you're not paying more taxes than you need to pay. You're paying fewer taxes than you need to pay—that's why we've got a deficit. And if you don't like that news, then that's something to think about next time you want to support a war and a bunch of corrupt, fiscally reckless Republican fucknuts in Congress, now, isn't it?

[Please feel welcome to leave your favorite examples from the tea parties in comments.]

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