
Powerdouche John McCain has threatened to oppose the confirmation of Obama's deputy secretary of Interior nominee, David Hayes, because Hayes once wrote something unflattering about St. Ronald of Reagan:
In the article, Hayes wrote [pdf] that "the conservative political agenda in the West is grounded in hoary stereotypes about the region and its people" and that "out of this conservative world view emerges the stereotypical Western man (and it is unquestionably a 'he')—a rugged, gun-toting individualist who fiercely guards every man's right to drill, mine, log, or do whatever he damn well pleases on the land" and that "Like Ronald Reagan before him, President Bush has embraced the Western stereotype to the point of adopting some of its affectations—the boots, brush-clearing, and get-the-government-off-our-backs bravado."

And since evidently no one is allowed to exercise their right to freedom of speech to criticize the Patron Saint of Conservative Wankers, McCain used the occasion of Hayes' confirmation hearing to ask him whether he stood by his remarks, to which Hayes replied he regretted using "overly florid" prose.
That didn't appease McCain.

"So you had to throw Reagan in there?" McCain continued.

"I shouldn't have done that," Hayes said.

…"I will be considering seriously whether I can support your nomination or not," McCain added.

Hayes should have told McCain the only thing he regretted was not adding that Reagan was a yella-bellied, pants-pooping thumbsucker and a terrible actor. Neener neener.

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