I Was Just Thinking This Morning...

...while I was getting ready to head into work, upon seeing a morning news story that Colin Powell has endorsed Barack Obama: "It's probably not going to be too long before Limbaugh and the rest start howling that he's only done this 'because he's black.'"

Oh, ye of low expectations!

A new cartoon by syndicated cartoonist Gordon Campbell hits Gen. Colin Powell for endorsing Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL). The cartoon shows a picture of Revolutionary War general Bendict Arnold — who infamously committed one of U.S. history’s greatest acts of treason — in blackface, followed by the line: "Benedict Arnold…Race Patriot."
Yes, in blackface. What, no watermelon and fried chicken?

And just in case you thought Limbaugh might be quiet about this one:
Politicker reports Campbell also stated that Powell “wishes to see someone who looks like himself in the White House.” Similarly, Rush Limbaugh is now saying that Powell endorsed Obama only because they are both African-American, and a prominent Maine GOP activist claimed, "If Obama was a white man, Powell would not have made the endorsement."
Well, you know that Limbaugh's only voting for McCain because he's a white man. Those people stick together, you know.

(FFS, is a Colin Powell racism watch going to be necessary now?)

Update: As noted on Politicker:
Numerous right-wing pundits have pointed to Powell's race and support of governmental racial preferences as a deciding factor in his endorsement of Obama, but many, including noted blogger Michelle Malkin, disagree with that assessment.

"It’s a mistake to attribute Powell’s endorsement primarily to some kind of race loyalty. It’s Obama’s social liberalism, not his skin color, that attracts Powell most," Malkin said on her blog.
You could knock me over with a feather. Write this date down in stone: The Day Michelle Malkin Didn't Jump Onto A Racially-Charged Wingnut Bandwagon.

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