Richard Cohen: Concern Troll

Richard Cohen, the poor dear, loathes things. He loathes, in order: the campaign, the resurgence of racism (Richard, your privilege is showing; resurgent my butt), "what has happened to Hillary Clinton," including what she "has done to herself," "what has happened to Bill Clinton," "what has happened to the press," as well as the "incessant blogging and commenting and talking and yapping and hype" (he liked it better when it was only Very Important People doing the yapping, I guess), what becomes clear with hindsight, and some other junk.

And while he is busily wringing his hands about where we've all gone so terribly, terribly wrong, he also helpfully tells us:
[This primary] has highlighted the reality that racism still runs deep and that misogyny, although more imagined than real, is not yet a wholly spent force.
Silly girls. It's all in our heads.


[H/T to Shakers Mr. Bill and JMonkey.]

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