Beep Beep!

Well, we've got a new car.

I like how the gauges and the steering wheel look like a smiley face.

Those aren't pictures of our actual car. They're just pictures of some other 2006 Ford Fusion in "Dune Pearl" (ooh la la) that I found online, because I was too lazy to walk my fat arse out to the driveway and take a picture.

Random Thoughts: It's such a load off our minds. With gas prices threatening to spike this summer and our Behemoth POS threatening to need costly repairs in the very near future just to keep it running, we started to feel like we were in a race against time before the dominoes starting falling. Neither of us fully realized how subliminally stressed about it we each were until we were riding home in the "new" car with a Mozza CD christening the CD player and no worry that we were going to break down at any moment.

And because we'd been driving a Behemoth POS, the better mileage on the newer, smaller car and better insurance rate will make the higher car payment a wash. Wheeeeeeeee!

When we were just at the dealership, the guy doing our financing said that some dude just bought a new Ford Expedition the other day and it cost them $113 to fill it for him. "And he probably ran out of gas before he pulled out of the parking lot!" He was actually laughing at his own customer for the idiocy of buying a giant gas guzzling SUV when everyone else is buying smaller and smaller cars. Ha.

Finally: This was a great car-buying experience. Aside from just being a low pressure, casual salesperson, the guy who helped us treated me like I had a brain and was an equal partner; he never made me feel like "the wife." I felt extremely comfortable with him, way more comfortable (and respected) by a long shot than I have ever felt with any car salesman in the past. He's going to get a nice email thanking him for that, and his boss will be getting a letter complimenting him for it, too. I'm also going to recommend him to anyone I know who's looking to buy a car.

It pays to be cool to uppity bitchez.

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