The View: No Host Left Behind

Although, it's pretty clear that Sherri Shepherd is so far behind that her two-year-old son has already eclipsed her. You may recall back in September when Shepherd, who is anti-evolution, simply didn't know if the world is flat or round. That one was great on its own merits, but we have a great follow-up for you.

Shepherd believes that nothing pre-dates Jesus. As Michael K noted, we've already been using B.C. date notation for quite some time, so Sherri's got some splainin' to do. I guess this also means that everything in the Old Testament really took place on or after the New Testament, which would make the New Testament the Old Testament and the Old Testament the Newish Testament ("Are you Newish? You don't look Newish."). So here's your evidence of how shitty our education system is.

The more I watch this clip, the more I question whether Sherri's really just an actress who was planted by the producers to get everyone to tune in to see someone who's as dumb as a rock, though certainly not an aggregate of minerals formed 100,000 years ago. Maybe as dumb as a pop-rock.

Transcript below the fold (thanks Arlen!)

WHOOPI: … Probably when he [Epicurus] was around, there was no
Jesus Christ stuff going on.

SHERRI: No, no, they still had Christians back then, they–

WHOOPI: [Crosstalk] No, they had their gods.

JOY: I’m doing the Al Sharpton thing, one at a time here!

SHERRI: They had Christians, and they had, they threw ‘em to the

WHOOPI: I think this might pre-date that, I think this might pre-
date that.

SHERRI: I don’t think anything pre-dated Christians.

JOY: No, no, no, the Romans– the Greeks came first!


JOY: The Greeks came first. Then the Romans, then the Christians.

SHERRI: Jesus came first before them, so I– I– I… All right, all

WHOOPI: Not on paper.

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