News from Shakes Manor

(Mr. Shakes is off work today, hence the paucity of posting; we've been hanging out, having lunch together and watching a movie from an absolutely extraordinary care package that Petulant sent me.)

Liss: It's chillsy in here. (snuggles under favorite blanket)

Mr. Shakes: Yoou're always chillsy, wooman! Except when yoo're hoot! Hoonestly, wooman, if it's oone degree less than seventy, yoo're freezing, and if it's oone degree moore, yoo're boorning alive! What a screwball!

Liss: A screwball?! Bwah ha ha ha!

Mr. Shakes: Yeah, yoo're a screwball, ye wee mad fing.

Liss: A screwball?! A screwball! Ha ha ha! Do you want go on some madcap high-jinks, or should we just engage in some fisticuffs, Old Timey Husband Type Person?

Mr. Shakes: Be shushtelled, Apple Cheeks.

Two screwballs engage in a round of fisticuffs.

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