Up SCHIP Creek

With clear bi-partisan overwhelming support for this bill (though not enough to lay the smack down), Bushie will still stick his tongue out at everyone and while wielding the Veto Pen. This time, however, the veto for teh children will not include any special ceremony with snowflakes behind him. I would agree with Amanda that he probably cannot find any families with sick kids who would volunteer to support him on this particular venture.

As much as Georgie would love for his powerful veto to sail quietly through the night sea, it won't end there. A few governors have decided to take the administration to court over this move, so this issue will likely remain front and center longer than the administration would like. The state roll call: Arizona, California, Illinois, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Washington. Here's what my governor, Jon Corzine, has to say about it:
"SCHIP is an unqualified bipartisan success in New Jersey and in states across the nation, and the Bush Administration's determination to pursue a course of action that will harm our children's health is incomprehensible," Governor Corzine said. "This same Administration previously signed off on our decision to cover the 10,000 kids they are now seeking to kick out of SCHIP, and the lawsuit we filed today demonstrates that we will simply not let that happen. Washington should be a partner to states that are trying to cover more children, not an opponent, and I urge the President to reverse course, withdraw the letter, and sign the bipartisan legislation before him."
Closing your term with a lawsuit is a great boon to that legacy you're worried about, eh George?

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