I Guess Rudy Doesn't Want to be President

That's the only explanation of which I can conceive for the lunacy of defending the (allegedly, ahem) mobbed-up jackass Bush once nominated (on Giuliani's recommendation) to head the Department of Homeland Security, who had withdrew himself from consideration after all sorts of dirt was unearthed on him:

Rudy Giuliani on Friday offered his strongest defense yet of Bernard Kerik, his former close associate and top New York City cop now targeted in a federal criminal probe, calling him an "excellent police commissioner" and praising him for being courageous on Sept. 11, 2001.

Kerik is facing possible bribery and obstruction of justice charges as soon as next month. Giuliani rejected the idea those charges would harm his campaign and said on balance Kerik had done a good job.

..."He was there on Sept. 11," Giuliani said. "He was heroic on Sept. 11."
If Rudy Giuliani were replaced with a parrot that had been taught to squawk "9/11!" would anyone notice?


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