Step One: Cut a hole in a box

Step Two: Put your Emmy in the box.
LOS ANGELES (AP) The Emmys Awards got edgy as an off-color "Saturday Night Live" video featuring Justin Timberlake and strategically placed gift boxes was honored at the creative arts ceremony.


"I think it's safe to say that when we first set out to make this song, we were all thinking 'Emmy!'" Samberg said in accepting the award Saturday for best original music and lyrics.

"The other thing we were thinking was, 'Hey! Here's this young up and comer, Justin Timberlake, who is clearly very talented and could clearly use a break,'" Samberg said. "So, Justin, if you're out there, congrats to you, kid.'"


As Samberg arrived at the creative arts awards, he told The Associated Press that he had yet to be asked by the TV academy to perform the song with Timberlake on the Fox broadcast — but he was willing, he said.

(uncensored version)

Some humor for a Monday...

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