McCain, I'm Begging You: Drop Out and Put Us Out of Your Misery!

It's actually getting painful watching John McCain's presidential aspirations circle the drain like a grim, foamy ring of bath scum. Not content to just humiliate himself anymore, evidently McCain has outsourced the job to high school students.

William Sleaster, a student at Concord High School in New Hampshire asked McCain a question about his support of gay rights, which McCain answered by talking about his support for DADT then muttering incoherently: "Discrimination in any form is unacceptable in America today," despite having just indicated his continued enthusiasm for discrimination in the military. Then Sleaster asked McCain whether he supports civil unions or same-sex marriage, to which McCain replied he does not, because "they impinge on the status and sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman." McCain loves him some undeserved privilege, yo.

Sleaster went on to ask another question about how to help the working class in America, which McCain fielded by talking about the country's need to figure out education and health care, and to secure the environment.

Sleaster indicated that he wanted to follow up again.

"You have one more? Go ahead you're doing good," McCain encouraged.

"I came here looking to see a leader," Sleaster said. "I don't."

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