Jena 6 Must-Reads of the Day

The Thin Black Duke: "Pointing out that the women behind this movement are being ignored doesn’t diminish anyone else’s efforts, but for reals, let's give credit where credit is due." (Kevin's got a great round-up of other posts to read at this link.)

brownfemipower: On the Road to Justice.

Rachel: "[W]hen people try to frame the discussion around only the fight or only Jena, Louisiana, don't let them. The case itself is much broader, and the issues of our criminal (in)justice system are way bigger than Jena, Louisiana."

Elle: "Do you ever wonder why this picture of Elizabeth Eckford remaining composed in the face of Hazel Massery's vitriol was such an important image to promote?"

David Neiwert: "I'll be the first to admit that I, like a lot of other journalists, really fell down on the story of what was going on in Jena, Louisiana. Fortunately, it didn't matter one bit."


Paul Krugman: "Many press accounts of the march have a tone of amazement. Scenes like those in Jena, the stories seemed to imply, belonged in the 1960s, not the 21st century. The headline on the New York Times report, 'Protest in Louisiana Case Echoes the Civil Rights Era,' was fairly typical. But the reality is that things haven’t changed nearly as much as people think. Racial tension, especially in the South, has never gone away, and has never stopped being important. And race remains one of the defining factors in modern American politics."

Please add any other posts you'd recommend (including your own) in comments.

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