
It was a Clinton-fest on the Sunday talk shows yesterday, as Hils appeared on all five of the biggies: "Her trip through the Sunday gantlet was designed to solidify the impression that Clinton is strong, indomitable and all but inevitable as the Democratic nominee and next president."

Did it work? Well, CNN notes this morning that my senator, Evah Bayh (D-IN) will endorse Hillary (*cough* wants to be veep *cough*) and that author John Grisham is campaigning with Hillary, which ought to secure her that all-important "voters who swing with their favorite best-selling author of southern legal thrillers" demographic. I mean, if that doesn't clinch the nomination, I just don't know what will.

Meanwhile, Bush thinks Clinton will be the eventual Democratic nominee, but won't win the general election. Given his predilection for being totally fucking wrong about everything, this can only bode well for progressives.

In all seriousness, the thing I love most about Clinton's candidacy is how truly, deeply, madly pathetic it reveals the RNC to be:

Clinton showed her lighter side, laughing uproariously when asked by Fox News's Chris Wallace why she and her husband have such a "hyperpartisan view of politics."

"Well, Chris, if you had walked even a day in our shoes over the last 15 years, I'm sure you'd understand," Clinton said. Her answer drew swift condemnation from the Republican National Committee, which issued a statement saying that "apparently Hillary Clinton believes the serious issues facing our nation are a laughing matter."
Wow. Just wow. They spend more than a decade distracting the nation from serious issues—most notably by digging into the Clintons' personal lives, culminating in former President Clinton's impeachment—making the entire American political scene viciously partisan and turning it so firmly on its head that it now matters more if a politician says s/he's a Christian than if s/he behaves like one is meant to, and now they have the hilarious audacity to accuse Hillary Clinton of treating "the serious issues facing our nation" as "a laughing matter," because she laughed—and rightfully so!—at a question asking why she and Bill have a partisan view of politics. Hypocrisy Meter pegged.

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