Pop Quiz

You're the guest booker for The Today Show. Matt Lauer strides manfully toward you rubbing his own shorn head for good luck and informs you that he plans to do a piece on all the GOP Scandalz and he wants an expert commentator to interview.

Do you book:

A. a political ethics expert, who would actually have something valuable to say?
B. a steaming heap of turds, which would sit there looking gross and stinking?
C. Tom DeLay, who would babble endlessly about the Democrats and the media?

That'd be C.

The official transcript hasn't been posted yet, so here's my rough transcript:

LAUER: Blah blah Republican Scandal-a-thon 2007 blah blah.

DELAY: Democrats!!! SCREEEEEECH! The media!!! SQUAWWWWWK! Double-standard! BLARRRGGGHHH!

Why oh fucking why is Tom DeLay even still around?! Why does (or should) anyone care what he says?! God, I hate our media.

[Video thanks, of course, to Petulant.]

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