Surf the Crimson Wave With Me, Baby

Jezebel's got a post about "period sex," which includes a poll asking readers whether they're into it, which on one hand I find very cool and progressive, and on the other, I find sort of aggravating in that—with the self-deprecation that's somehow meant to make "women's stuff" tolerable and is infuriatingly endemic to Jezebel and sites like it—I nonetheless had to read something about how doodz who don't like period sex are probably gay, how like totally grody menses smells, and how at least one dood enjoys period sex because "It's like my dick killed something!"

One: Of the gay men I've known who have had sex with women (hey—everyone experiments in college!), none of them were of the opinion that sex with women was fine, but sex with menstruating women was icky. And all the straight men I've been with have had exactly the same attitude. I don't really know to what an aversion to period sex is attributable, but I do know that it doesn't have diddly-shit to do with one's sexuality, so casting a man who doesn't like it as "gay" is just an unjustified smear against gay men. Anyway, maybe I'll inquire further regarding the origins of the aversion after I emerge from my menstruation hut. (Which has awesome wi-fi, btw.)

Two: I'm tired of reading that anything having to do with vaginas smells bad. First of all, vaginas don't even all smell alike; they differ based on body chemistry and diet just like other parts of the body. Secondly, some wo/men love the smell of cunt, and the taste, even or (gasp!) especially when it's not just-out-of-the-shower fresh or (double gasp!) bloody. Yes, that's right—there are actually people who respond to the muskiness of sex organs in precisely the way our evolution has designed us to respond to them! Nutty! And some of us even don't feel ashamed by our refusal to succumb to the narrative with which our culture tries to deaden each of us to sex by psychologically imprinting the notion that our nether regions (especially girls'—eww!) are gross and smell yucky. So I'd be ever so appreciative if we could all be grown-ups and can the horseshit that treats as an empirical fact the assertion that vaginas and/or any/everything that comes out of them smell bad.

Three: Grrls, if a guy ever gleefully says he enjoys period sex because it's like his "dick killed something," run. Run like the wind. And don't look back. That is all.

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