What you want to do…

…when you're reporting about a man thought to be responsible for the murders of nearly 50 women and currently on trial for six of them, is go for the pun. You know, really highlight what a cunning wordsmith the accused serial killer is.

What makes this extra funny is how the hilarious Mr. Pickton butchered the women just like he did his pigs.

Mr Pickton also described the process of butchering pigs, telling police how they are shot in the head and placed in hot water to remove their hair.

On Monday, prosecutors told the court that Mr Pickton had admitted to killing 49 women and told an undercover police officer he wanted to kill one more to make it an "even 50".

Prosecutors also told the court that Mr Pickton had butchered the women after he killed them.

They said split skulls and other body parts had been discovered in the farm's freezer.
Which would have been really horrible, if most of his victims hadn't been disposable, anyway—"prostitutes and drug addicts living in Vancouver's impoverished Downtown Eastside," our general cultural contempt for whom is probably what allowed him 49 fucking victims in the first place.

Get it together, BBC. You're on notice.

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