Friday Cat Blogging

"No disassemble my pizza box!"

As you may remember, one of Matilda's favorite napping places is a pizza box. The problem (for Matilda) is that: A) we don't like leaving greasy, festering pizza boxes lying around the place; and B) we don't order pizza very often, so there is rarely an influx of new boxes. Thusly, she has learned to guard them very fiercely once she gets her paws on one.

But even a brave pizza box guardian like Matilda needs to visit the old litter box sometime, at which point it's not only humans, who have the annoying habit of discarding refuse you adore, you've got to worry about, but other little furry things who don't respect your authoritay!

Olivia notices the pizza box.

Playing it cool…

Oh, snap!

Mmm, tasty.

A wee scuffle ensued when Matilda returned to the room, which shall hereafter be known as The Great Pizza Box Fracas of 2007. Matilda leapt up and thumped Olivia on the head, to which Olivia responded by giving her a "What the fuck?" look and then leaving. For her, the pizza box is a mere curiosity. For Matilda, it's a motherfucking throne.

Matilda and I had a little conversation about the pizza box. Ever since I suggested it might not stick around forever, she won't purr as loudly when I scratch her head. "You're only getting blender, not lawnmower."

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