Help! Someone! My mom keeps trying to brainwash me!

From Katharine DeBrecht, the author of Help! Mom! There are Liberals Under my Bed! and Help! Mom! Hollywood's in my Hamper! comes the newest in the “Help! Mom!” series: Help! Mom! The 9th Circuit Nabbed the Nativity! (Or, How the Liberals Stole Christmas). It hits bookstores today, so grab them while they last!

World Ahead Publishing’s press release describes the book as “Funnier than Nancy Pelosi's ethics campaign!”

[T]his time she has not just Hillary but activist judges and other hapless liberals in her comic sights…

Johnny and Luke loved being in Miss Bardin’s third-grade class—especially at Christmas, when the class put on its annual pageant, complete with a nativity scene and a donkey! But when Congresswoman Clunkton, Senator Weary, Al Snore and the whole 9th Circuit court show up demanding an end to the fun in the name of diversity, global warming and stinky French cheese, all is almost lost until Johnny, Luke and an unexpected hero armed with a mysterious piece of paper unite to save Christmas.

Like every HELP! MOM! book, 9th CIRCUIT has something for both kids and their parents. Young readers will love following along with the lively story while singing the ridiculous (but very politically correct) new lyrics for The First Noel

The First Toenail, the Liberals did say
Was that the harder people work
The more taxes they pay…

…while parents will enjoy the cartoon antics of liberals doing what they do best — minding everyone else’s business.
Gawd, ha ha! It’s so true! Ha ha ha! Those goddamned liberals can’t keep their fucking noses out of everyone else’s business! Ha ha! Like the Terri Schiavo debacle—boy howdy, did they make a mess out of that, ha ha ha! And it was totally hilarious when those liberals tried to criminalize abortion in South Dakota, hee hee. Seriously—don’t even get me started on how the liberals are always trying to dictate who people should love and fuck and marry and who should be parents and shit! I swear to god I’ll snort milk right out my fucking nose just thinking about it! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Also side-splitting? A woman so obsessed with Hillary “Clunkton” that she’s written three books so far to demonize her but apparently isn’t aware that she’s a senator.

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