The Virtual Bar Is Open

This post will stay at the top all day. New posts below.

I just got back from voting. Mama Shakes picked me up, so we could go vote together and then go have lunch. First we went to my voting location, where an adorable young guy who looked to be about 19 was working the election with about 10 ancient women, and he assured me with a laugh that he’d make sure there was no funny business with my vote. I voted a straight Democratic ticket.

Then we went to Mama Shakes’ voting location so she could vote, and then it was off to lunch, where we decided it would be totally awesome if Dick Cheney shot himself in the ass while he was hunting today.

Did you know that in Indiana you can’t buy alcohol on Election Day? Well, you can’t! What kind of dumbass law is that?! Today’s the day I most need a drink, bitchez! Good thing I’ve got a bottle of wine in the fridge. Harrumph.

(Btw, is anyone having problems opening the page because of the chat feature?)

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