Get a Rope

They should have just tattooed a target on his forehead.

Man Ordered to Wear "Sex Offender" T-Shirt
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Delaware judge on Friday ordered a man who twice exposed himself to a 10-year-old girl at his workplace to wear a T-shirt with the words: "I am a registered sex offender" in bold letters, a prosecutor said.

Russell Teeter, 69, who pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent exposure, also was sentenced to 60 days in jail by Superior Court Judge Jan Jurden in Wilmington.

Deputy Attorney General Donald Roberts said he requested the unusual T-shirt punishment because he was concerned about Teeter exposing himself to children at the gardening business he runs with his wife.

"This is a unique way to let his customers know that he is a sex offender," Roberts told Reuters.
Before anyone says I'm "on the pedophile's side," go read this.

I'm sure I'll be taken to task for this, but I really feel this is cruel and unusual punishment. If we're going to do this, why don't we just bring back the stocks, for chrissakes? This isn't about protecting children; there are other ways that could have been done in this case. This is about public humiliation. And opening the door to "vigilante justice."

As usual, life imitates comedy:

It's becoming impossible to write satire anymore.

(If you're going to write a comedy sketch, you're going to have some cross-posts in there.)

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