Bush Bipartisanship

Bush has renominated Kenneth Tomlinson as chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, in spite of (or, let’s face it, probably because of) this…and this…and this.

It’s one thing to pick a partisan hack for an important governmental post, evaluate his joke of a tenure, and then move onto someone new. After all, maybe the president didn’t realize just how ridiculous Tomlinson was when the White House first tapped him.

But after several years of humiliating hackery, Bush no longer has any excuses. Renominating Tomlinson again this week is a not-so-subtle message to Democrats and the rest of the electorate: Election failures or not, nothing is going to change at the Bush White House. No partisan is too unqualified, no right-wing ideologue can screw up enough, no controversy is too scandalous to prevent a Bush buddy from keeping important administration positions.
Yup. If Bush cared even half as much as about protecting this country as he does about protecting any one of his cronied-up pally-wallies, we’d all be in pretty good shape.

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