How is this even a debatable issue?

Members of the Manassas City Council are hearing plenty of opinions on whether a gay man should be allowed to open a massage therapy business in his home.

Howard Daniel is a former Marine Corps reservist who is also a certified massage therapist. He wants to open the business in his home, but nearly two dozen Manassas residents have spoken out against his application.

Daniel already offers his massage therapy services at the local hospital and in the homes of clients.

The Washington Post reports that the Manassas City Council has approved two other applications for home-based massage therapy businesses over the past three years. But at least three of the six members of the county council say they vote against Daniel's application.
What the fuck are they worried about? “We don’t want any Gay Happy Endings in our neighborhood!” Seriously, people are cracked.

If I found out I had a gay neighbor who was a certified massage therapist, I’d be arranging some martini-drenched video nights and begging him to rub me down—right after I ran out of town on a rail any puritanical busybodies who tried to stand between me and my hot gay marine massage.

(Hat tip to Griffin.)

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